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誰來過 g0v summit 2014
[6 avatars]
g0v.tw 台灣零時政府從 2012 年 10 月開始,用數位世代的思維,以開源(open source)方式號召群眾以網路世代的新模式協作,運用科技力量促進政府透明化。截至 2015 年 8 月,已舉辦 30+ 場黑客松、受邀演講 50+ 場、媒體報導 20+ 次、1000+位遍佈三大洲的貢獻者,成果皆以自由軟體模式釋出。 2014 年 11 月舉辦零時政府高峰會更匯聚了600+ 位來自 9 個國家、不同領域的人參加。
2014 年的零時政府啥米 (g0v Summit) 促成了許多跨領域交流合作,也開啟了許多新專案。為了分享社群中的「跨界經驗」,我們開始籌備 2016 年零時政府啥米,將邀請來自不同背景的專案參與者,分享過去一年的「融合」經驗,也讓有志運用科技改變社會的各界,能透過更多深入的溝通與交流,看看能夠發生啥米代誌。
g0v summit 2016 將於 5 月 13 日在中央研究院人文社會科學館舉行,議程將涵蓋開放政府、開放資料及運用新科技公民運動等內容,預計參與人數約 750 人。
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Returning for a second year after 2014, the g0v Summit 2016 will again invite the global civic tech community to share their experiences for collaboration between public servants, technologists, and NGO workers. We are pleased to have Felipe Heusser, founder and former Director of the Chilean NGO Ciudadano Inteligente and Fellow at the Berkman Center, as our keynote speaker.
[felipe avatar]
Who Spoke at g0v Summit 2014
[6 avatars with name & title]
g0v is a civic tech community established in late 2012 with deep open-source roots. With 1,000+ contributors through 30+ hackathons, it is recognized as one of the largest group in the global civic tech community. The community focuses on building tools for better information disclosure, n engagement, and online democracy. Since the 2014 Summit, we’ve seen increasing collaboration between the civic tech communities in Taiwan, government agencies, media, and NGOs.
Here are some highlights in the local community:
As the global civic tech communities continue to do exciting things to accelerate political changes, we’d like to invite you to share and celebrate some of the small successes, and your stories on what works (and what doesn’t!)
We expect to bring together 750 people in this event. Call for Talks and further details on speakers and sessions will be announced on http://summit.g0v.tw
About Taipei
Taipei is a modern Asian City .... blahblahblah
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