12/21 勞動基準黑客松專案構想(Idea Pool)
如果你想把這邊的想法變得更完整,請用 g0v.hackpad.com 或者 google doc,新增一份文件,然後把它加入 https://ethercalc.org/g0v-hackath6n 最後一行 (url 前面請空一格 以便縮排)
- 授權方式:程式碼部分(如 MIT/BSD)、文件部分(如 CC-BY)
- 需求:NeedTech, NeedDesign, NeedWriter, NeedTalktoRealPerson (可加
在 ethercalc 中第三欄)
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- 發起人/拋磚人:
- 狀態:
- 專案簡介:
- 工作目標:
- 授權方式:
- 使用資料:
- 徵求夥伴(有興趣直接簽名):
- NeedsWriter (撰寫基本資訊、報導專案 etc):
- NeedsDesigner (介面設計):
- NeedsData (擷取整理資料):
- NeedsTech (程式、架站 etc):
- NeedsProcess (設計作業流程):
- NeedsTalkingToRealPerson (需要真人溝通協調):
Fight! 筆戰系統
- 發起人/拋磚人:Aron
- 狀態: 構想中,還需要去moqups畫界面
- 專案簡介:創造一個更好的議題討論環境,詳情請看這
- 工作目標:希望民眾能更方便地討論和了解各項議題
- 授權方式:不知道
- 使用資料:
- 徵求夥伴(有興趣直接簽名):
- NeedsWriter (撰寫基本資訊、報導專案 etc):
- NeedsDesigner (介面設計):
- NeedsData (擷取整理資料):
- NeedsTech (程式、架站 etc):
- NeedsProcess (設計作業流程):
- NeedsTalkingToRealPerson (需要真人溝通協調):
- 發起人/拋磚人:iamblue
- 狀態: 週五晚上鬆一鬆
- 專案簡介:see
- 工作目標:
- 使用資料:
- 徵求夥伴(有興趣直接簽名):
- NeedsWriter (撰寫基本資訊、報導專案 etc):
- NeedsDesigner (介面設計):
- NeedsProcess (設計作業流程):
- 發起人/拋磚人:tuiry
- 狀態: 腦內生長ing
- 專案簡介:
- 一個網站/APP,提供台灣常見植物、動物的基本特徵,讓人可以辨認自己週遭的行道樹、盆栽等等。
- 工作目標:從認識生活週遭環境的一切,建立屬於此時此地的文化圖像。
- 授權方式:CC BY NC
- 使用資料:
- FYI, 這是我之前整理的政府單位出版的一些圖鑑的資料列表 (不過這些大多不是 open data)
- 徵求夥伴(有興趣直接簽名):
- NeedsWriter (撰寫基本資訊、報導專案 etc):
- NeedsData (需要動植物大師):
- NeedsTech (程式、架站 etc):
- NeedsProcess (需要研究互動形式):
世界銀行 x 主計處
- 發起人/拋磚人:ronnywang
- 狀態: 資料整理中
- 專案簡介:
- 世界銀行有提供全世界各國各區域各種國家指標,在 http://data.worldbank.org/ 但是全世界只有一個國家的資料他們沒有,就是台灣..(連北韓、香港、澳門甚至加薩走廊都有了),造成的是 Google 的 Public Data 服務也都看不到台灣。不過中華民國主計處有對這些指標做出台灣的統計數字,因此這些資料網路上都找的到,是可以讓他們合體的,這樣的資料產生出來後,就可以從資料中作出地圖圖表,來直接透過世界地圖觀察,台灣哪些數字是贏過世界,哪些是輸的,政客常說台灣好是他們功勞,台灣差是國際環境造成,是否能拿這資料直接打臉?
- 工作目標:
- 將世界銀行資料都匯出到 github 上,並從主計處找到對應的台灣資料加進去
- 加上簡易方便閱讀的地圖呈現功能 (Ex: 世界 GDP 成長率地圖 http://github.ronny.tw/ronnywang/worldbank/blob/master/economic/ny.gdp.mktp.kd.zg_Indicator_en_csv_v2.json)
- 授權方式:
- 延用 worldbank dataset 授權方式
- 使用資料:
- http://data.worldbank.org/
- 中華民國主計處資料
- 徵求夥伴(有興趣直接簽名):
- NeedsDesigner (介面設計):讓地圖部份可以更容易讓一般人瀏覽比較
- NeedsData (擷取整理資料):人工找出各世界銀行對應主計處的資料
- 主計處 liang2
- 發起人/拋磚人:James Lee
- 狀態: 集思廣益 ing
- 專案簡介:鑒於目前政府跟民間溝通永遠得透過媒體,但媒體經常斷章取義,為了收視率跟媒體的政治立場扭曲新聞。希望能成立一個平台,以 1)Transparent 2) Direct 3) No comment 4) Not a media 為宗旨,還原政府公告及發言人講話的原汁原味,讓人民自己做判斷,而不被媒體扭曲而影響。首先聚合各發言人之全稿,提供更適合閱讀、轉貼之網站。
- 工作目標:
- 實驗性提供一個平台嘗試與行政院的合作。
- Mock-up
- 流程
- 使用資料: 協調行政院統一釋出全稿,格式理應為 machine-friendly format
- 徵求夥伴:
- Writer (撰寫基本資訊、報導專案 etc):
- Designer (介面設計):dAb (?)
- Process (設計作業流程):James Lee
- 發起人/拋磚人:吳長鋼
- 狀態: 討論中
- 專案簡介:「海市蜃樓」計劃發起人姚瑞中老師表示,資料可供大家做公益使用,例如:製做成APP?地圖?統計各地蚊子館數量?金額?如何處理目前討論中,歡迎有興趣的朋友加入。
- 請參考:https://g0v.hackpad.com/OSA1quw8kC0
- 工作目標:將資料整理成更容易流傳的形式,造成政府壓力。
- 授權方式:
- 使用資料:「海市蜃樓」計劃三年來蒐集之資料,老師將於整理後提供。
- 徵求夥伴(有興趣直接簽名):
- NeedsWriter (撰寫基本資訊、報導專案 etc):
- NeedsDesigner (介面設計):
- NeedsData (擷取整理資料):
- NeedsTech (程式、架站 etc):吳長鋼、錦龍
- NeedsProcess (設計作業流程):
- NeedsTalkingToRealPerson (需要真人溝通協調):
- 發起人/拋磚人:pm5
- 狀態: bootstrapping
- 專案簡介:用儀表板的模式,把環境相關的資訊視覺化整理出來。
- 請參考 https://g0v.hackpad.com/0hiel5nA3Wm
- 工作目標:
- 授權方式:MIT
- 使用資料:http://opendata.epa.gov.tw/
- 徵求夥伴(有興趣直接簽名):
- NeedsWriter (撰寫基本資訊、報導專案 etc):
- NeedsDesigner (介面設計):儀表板介面設計
- NeedsData (擷取整理資料):爬資料整理格式
- NeedsTech (程式、架站 etc):
- NeedsProcess (設計作業流程):
- NeedsTalkingToRealPerson (需要真人溝通協調):環境問題專家意見
diakopter scribblings (sorry if these already exist or are already proposed/in-progress or are infeasible or irrelevant). Please comment/edit as you see fit.
- Tool to track, visualize, and analyze the timeline of "official statements" from government entities and their spokespersons (scraped from news sites as well as govt sites).
- Tool to track, visualize, and analyze the reporting structure of every government entity - e.g. a direct-report HR tree of all the roles in government. Extension: also record and track who worked/works in each role, and when.
- Tool to track, visualize (maps), and analyze (filter/color/aggregate) the real estate owned by government entities (scrape/query property records). Extension: also track and analyze ownership of real estate plots owned by government contractors/vendors, or any other entities that get funding from government sources. build on the learnings from twrealprice.
- Tool to track changes to public records databases, by maintaining versioned snapshots/mirrors of all the published data, to create visualizations of changes, corrections, and redactions (especially when records, news, or people are "disappeared").
- Tool to index (and snapshot!) all govt websites (and their sitemaps, or by exploring their search engines (or google’s!) as a fallback), to create visualizations of all the information published on those sites (especially publicly posted policies and regulations). Extension: track and visualize revisions/edits to individual documents/URLs, to identify sites that change more often, or to identify published information that changes or is attempted to be removed from "public record." Extension: create a 3D zoomable visualization of their link maps/clusters.
- Tool to track, visualize, and analyze government contracts (which I suspect are largely public record) to companies and vendors, in Taiwan or otherwise. Extension: visualize proportions of budgets on no-bid contracts vs. RFPs.
- (related to the previous) Tool to track, visualize, and analyze the effective tax rate (how government is funded!) of (publicly-traded) companies operating in the country (and additionally their effective tax rates in the countries where those companies also operate). Extension: include records of tax concessions and other incentives granted to companies to persuade them to operate in a particular region or municipality.
- Tool to track, visualize, and analyze government aid/grants to foreign entities (including other governments and aid organizations), and where that money ends up.
- Tool to track, visualize, and analyze past and ongoing information requests via the Freedom of Government Information Law. Encourage all submitters to duplicate their submissions to this database (unless the requests themselves are also publicly accessible). Track all correspondence on the requests.
- (related to the previous) Project mgmt structure around efforts to explore/push the boundaries of the Freedom of Government Information Law, by identifying, recording, and classifying all the sorts of information records that can be requested from each agency, and then attempting to request them. (this item is particularly straightforward to crowdsource and delegate). Take care not to overwhelm with requests so as not to be banned for abuse or arbitrary/useless requests. The idea here is that systematic requests should eventually encourage even more databases to be exposed programmatically. see http://www.winklerpartners.com/?p=3864
- (related to the previous) Identify all the records that will expire soon (after each hits 30 (or 60!) years old) under the Classified National Security Information Protection Act. This is likely initiated by requesting indexes of all the other documents (and indexes of indexes).
- Tool to track progress of making all the tracking, visualization, and analysis tools available to g0v movements in other countries, by properly abstracting the data gathering adapters and bindings. Extension: enable the data sources from various countries to be visualized/analyzed together, for comparison/contrast.
- Tool track progress of collaboration with all the other entities mentioned here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhiwX2rqs8dzdGNHOHllSGVkay1TMXJGNEpvdW5nLWc#gid=0 Also, facilitate tool programming services to all the other entities already advocating open data.
- steal further ideas from http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/gallery/2010/jan/20/government-data-applications-vizualisations that aren’t already from g0v.tw
- take lessons from http://radar.oreilly.com/2013/01/open-data-business-models-deloitte-insight.html that haven’t been already. also http://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom-UnitedKingdom/Local%20Assets/Documents/Market%20insights/Deloitte%20Analytics/uk-da-open-growth.pdf
- apparently video recordings from pubilc-facing CCD cameras are publicly accessible by request. Explore how to begin archiving, visualizing, and analyzing [some subset of] those, especially those near government buildings.