R Lounge Sessions @ g0v summit 2014 unconference

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#1 10:50 - 11:30 主題 Topic:

現場直播網址 live url、錄影紀錄網址 video url、照片紀錄網址 photos url

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討論內容 Discussions

How to get people interested in things that they don’t? (aka How to get people angry?)

pm5: the subject developed into a thesis about making people angry because of a suggestion I have heard from a photobook collector.  He was discussing about Moriyama Daido’s book, which made a lot people/photographers really angry and said "this is not photography" at the time them came out.  The collector concluded that when some photobook make you really angry, that might be a good indication that this is a good book and you should get it.

Muyueh: 去上海拜訪朋友時,朋友說台北人去上海,就跟去鄉下人去城市一樣,過一陣子就要來一下。這讓我很生氣。

Jimmy: When people say "Why Open Source developed application is so expensive, it should be cheaper. " I would get angry.

Muyueh: Felt angry because customer felt open source application should there shouldn’t be that expensive. 

Lucy: my friend is a computer scientist and hate people came to him and ask him which computer to buy.  Another friend of mine told me a strategy to actually get this friend to help you buying computers.  You can pick up a lousy spec, go to see that friend, and show him the spec saying, "check out this fantastic computer! I am going to buy it!"  He would get really pissed off (what the heck this computer sucks) and start helping you getting a better one.

-> If you want to get advices from experts, try to propose some bad specs, and the experts will want to give you better recommendation.  

LY: 我的經驗是,如果你買了很差的電腦,出了問題找我幫忙修,我沒辦法修呀,這樣我會很生氣。你可以買電腦前來找我幫忙,我幫你買到好一點的設備,比較不會出問題。如果請我幫忙但我又沒辦法可以修,這樣會讓我很生氣。

nchild: How do you extract the valuable content from things/statements that make you angry?

(自問自答)If the both sides are willing to communicate (the premise), then they need to go from where they have different opinions to where they both agree. From there, they shall see the reasoning of both sides and probably learn something that might be valuable to them.

Lucy: I get angry when someone says something definite, like "this is totally true." Because that can’t be the case.  I think there is almost an exception, you can’t possibly certain that something is always, totally true.  Like if someone says "this idea is impossible, we can show that it is impossible by past experiences that is totally true."  I would get very angry.

muyueh: I get angry usually because I think "how can this value be challenged?"  I would try to find the core argument/value of his view point that I disagree.  That is the *something* I suspect that might be valuable to me.

Lucy: Is there always something to extract from the argument that  makes you angry?  Personally I believe there always are.

pm5: So if someone challenge you on this point, that there might not be anything to extract in some argument, that would provoke you very much?

Lucy: Yeah, that would be poking the foundation of me, of what I am and everything that I have built myself.

Jimmy: I was experience for my quotation for client, but client relply me "Why the open source so expensive? Wouldn’t the software be free?" Then I start to feel angry.

pm5: Would it be helpful at this point to disclose this information? To tell the other that "I am really offended by what you said."  And to followup with, "so if you are equally offended by what I am going to say, then we should try to stop here and start considering if there is any possibility of truthness in what the other had said."

總結 Conclusions

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#2 11:35 - 12:15 主題 Topic:

現場直播網址 live url、錄影紀錄網址 video url、照片紀錄網址 photos url

參與者 Contributors: (請簽名 sign here)

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討論內容 Discussions

總結 Conclusions

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#3 13:30 - 14:10 主題 Topic:

現場直播網址 live url、錄影紀錄網址 video url、照片紀錄網址 photos url

參與者 Contributors: (請簽名 sign here)

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楊孝先 nchild

討論內容 Discussions













GDS @ wikipedia


  1. 結合政府開放資料提供互動的服務
  2. 政府政策說明

TED Golden Circle WHY -> How -> What

Demo製作(?) -> 募資



總結 Conclusions

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先開一個 hackpad 繼續整理想法。

#4 14:15 - 14:55 主題 Topic: 市長承諾

現場直播網址 live url、錄影紀錄網址 video url、照片紀錄網址 photos url

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總結 Conclusions

#5 15:45 - 16:25 主題 Topic:

現場直播網址 live url、錄影紀錄網址 video url、照片紀錄網址 photos url

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jimmy: 網絡行動科技 / 開放文化基金會












總結 Conclusions

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#6 16:30-17:10 主題 Topic:

現場直播網址 live url、錄影紀錄網址 video url、照片紀錄網址 photos url

參與者 Contributors: (請簽名 sign here)

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討論內容 Discussions

總結 Conclusions

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