lí kám ū thiann-tio̍h in ê giân
Github page:
Provide a webpage to search and browse public speeches made around the 立法院
User story
使用者可能無法當時一直聽或看文博,或許想看global picture
A typical user may not have followed the whole event or missed part of it. He wants to have a clearer picture of the though shared on the different stages around the legislative yuan.
- understand and select what source of data may be relevant and shall be indexed
- 選重要資料的來源,
- Structure the data so that the meta-data can be used (timestamps, location, kind of intervention/speaker)
- Create a semantic space to find similar messages
- Define a list of relevant keyword that should be spotted by the system to relate messages.
- word cloud or sth like that for what people are saying now
- a timeline for quickly understanding what have been said
- a map for quickly identifying where the message is delivered
- analyze semantic to recognize stand point of specific message
- is this possible? (can you explain more ?give an example)
The Data
See 319 Event Data Collection
(minimalist fetch and json from irc included in this project, will use 319 Event Data Collection when available)
Transcripts typically include:
- Timestamp
- Place
- person
- text
- may have an English translation
From the text, we may extract some keywords (like names of politic figures, event, places...)
dealing with videos
Just a question, if we precise location and time of the beginning of each recording, does it make sense to link it to the text feeds ?
- Django on the serverside ( I need some python libs)
- elasticsearch for the index
- Livescript on the clientside, we may need some d3js (just because I like it)
- select a UI toolkit (no preference for now
先把FB 的 messages 放在這
text 和 video 的 livestream 事實上我大腦無法處理。(你們會有這個問題嗎?)
找到的資料大部分都是 chronological.
現在有沒有計劃作一個讓人look back at what have been said
just like a search engine over the transcript/videos
- Kirby Wu 我有 logbot 跟 bbs 的 crawler, 文字直播跟鄉民的消息都可以做.. (logbot 其實比較好的是拿 dump database or api endpoint )
- video 則需要有逐字稿或至少自動翻譯.. facebook 可以建立一個專頁, 請大家把相關訊息轉入, 再用程式自動備份...其他資料來源就得 case by case?
- Pierre Magistry I was thinking about starting with the live transcription archive (and 文播記錄) that are already timestamped, this may help to align Mandarin and English and maybe even video if possible
Pierre Magistry one usecase would also be to allow people that were not following to catch up (including foreign press)
- Pierre Magistry 有些無關的事我得先處理。晚一點會回來。
- 有興趣的人請舉手。計劃會需要比我多瞭解情況和資料的人(算.txt租吧)還有UI-designer 我個人會看一下怎麼用elasticsearch 作 search and classification,也可以pre-process data。
- 如果你在臺大附近,今晚就可以見面,不然網路上也可以
- Ymow Wu 我前天做好一個,有點像是包在kirby你說的架構底下,我原本是希望報名上台發表言論的人,能夠用這系統報名,直接接到文字轉播系統,但是目前可能會暫緩,先用新聞瀏覽器的模式擴大傳播效應,自動翻譯我原本要把文字轉播丟到google翻譯再接回來直接放在Androdi app,但是
- @Sunny Chien 說 :
- google翻譯不可行, 那成品還不夠精準,都要中英日三語直播,我們可以幫忙的譯者會挺你們到底
- 所以我覺得能用logbot解決當然很好,現在可能先以HumanAPI為主,當然如果logbot翻譯水準很高,又另當別論