地圖告解室 Mapfessional
- http://gps2maps.de/
- https://news.gamme.com.tw/1383001
- 航跡分享: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1631034120482669/
- field paper 田野手繪轉成電子地圖: http://fieldpapers.org
- MentalCanvas(Drawing in the third dimension): http://www.mentalcanvas.com/
- 繪圖板2map ?
- 實體畫地圖工作坊2digitaldata ? 測量學?
- Umap 點線面: https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/zh-tw
- localwiki 點線面+community story: http://www.slideshare.net/TajfunInsulo/20140712-localwiki
- Ushahidi 位置+story: http://www.ushahidi.com/
- OpenStreetMap (須符合地理現實與社群共識): http://openstreetmap.tw/
- OpenStreetMap 畫室內工具JOSM: http://goo.gl/4RwVtp
- CartoDB 點線面: http://docs.cartodb.com/tutorials/adding_geometries.html
- illustrator 2 gis: https://geonet.esri.com/thread/9900
- 線上 Geojson or 其他 GIS 格式產生器: http://geojson.io/
- 線上 KML 產生器: http://www.mapmash.in/kmlpoint.html
- Pixel Map Generator: https://goo.gl/9OBkdF
- Excel2Shapefile: http://gisvideo.blogspot.com/2013/01/how-to-create-shapefile-from-excel-file.html
- Excel2Earth(單機操作): http://excel2earth.blogspot.tw
- Adding Excel Data to Google Maps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK4HNA5fZ2E
- Database2LocalMap
- CartoDB: https://cartodb.com/
- Google Fusion Table: http://goo.gl/INMDGT
- Google Fusion Table 匯入 KML: https://goo.gl/u3Yqps
- 地址轉經緯度: https://g0v.hackpad.com/BWy6nWw2hw4
- 地址(csv → GeoJson): http://goo.gl/wTKXUF
- Datamaps.co https://datamaps.co/
- CSVmap(檔案內含經緯度座標,運用GitHub畫出地圖): http://ronny.wang/blog/post/39728713
- 撈 OpenStreetMap Database: https://osmtw.hackpad.com/-OSM-VnjVOhWBZuO
- 地號(csv → 地政司 → GeoJson): https://goo.gl/Cf85qs
- 建築物(kml → GeoJson): ?
- CADmapper(Three-dimensional CAD files): https://cadmapper.com
- 空拍?
- 衛星圖 MapKnitter - Make maps from aerial photos: http://mapknitter.org/
- shp2geojson: http://gipong.github.io/shp2geojson.js/
- 登革熱: http://kiang.github.io/TainanDengueMap/
- 癌症地圖: http://g0v.github.io/cancer/viz/
- 空屋地圖: https://goo.gl/IAsxP7
- Leaflet: http://leafletjs.com/index.html
- Mapbox: https://www.mapbox.com
- PySAL: http://pysal.org
- R: http://www.r-bloggers.com/making-maps-in-r-with-ryan-peek-and-michele-tobias/
- Timemapper: http://www.playpcesor.com/2014/08/time-map.html
- Odyssey.js http://cartodb.github.io/odyssey.js/
- Story Maps / What Kind of Story Do You Want to Tell? http://storymaps.arcgis.com/en/app-list/
- GeoJSON+CSV(含時間欄位)=ColorMap: http://ronny.wang/blog/post/39728713
- Geoevent 地理事件: http://0media.tw/t/geoevent/
- 名人移動軌跡: http://goo.gl/0khrCF
- Time Information System Software: http://www.hutime.org/
- 群眾通報類(群眾貢獻,設施損壞,上傳照片): https://g0v.hackpad.com/Du1lc6bUdn8
- 內政部資訊中心TGOS地圖協作平台: http://tgos.nat.gov.tw/MapSites/
- Real-time Collaborative GIS Tool: https://goo.gl/tdHO5M
- MapKnitter - Make maps from aerial photos: http://mapknitter.org/
- Map Warper: http://mapwarper.net
- use grass gis: http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/5583/how-to-convert-image-of-map-into-vector-format
- Building Inspector: http://buildinginspector.nypl.org/
- 台灣堡圖數化: https://g0v.hackpad.com/JiiX9ImyZJ8
- 2D->2.5D: https://goo.gl/4tGYu6
- A tutorial, how to create a 3d online globe and visualise in WebGLEarth: https://goo.gl/aWVUP1
- Excel 功能: https://goo.gl/lqdkub
- QGIS+Threejs: https://anitagraser.com/2014/03/15/3d-viz-with-qgis-three-js/
- ViziCities: http://vizicities.com
- From 2D Old Map to Minecraft: https://www.nypl.org/blog/beta/2014/05/05/historical-maps-minecraft
- Turf.js 地理資訊的視覺化分析: http://www.slideshare.net/kurotanshi/coscup-2015-turfjs
- Public Tableau: https://public.tableau.com/s/download
- OpenEarth: https://publicwiki.deltares.nl/plugins/servlet/mobile#content/view/42401895
- OpenStreams: https://publicwiki.deltares.nl/display/OpenS/Home
- 製圖成果是否需要線上展示給其他人看?
- 需要線上展示
- 無須公開展示
- 是否希望別人打包你的製圖成果?
- 例如若希望別人打包你的製圖成果 localwiki 就不太適合囉!
- raw data ?
- 是否希望群眾協作?
- 例如運用 facebook 社團/app 作為群眾貢獻資料的平台
- 是否需要進行地理分析?
- 地理數據視覺化:https://g0v.hackpad.com/SdiXqVJICsv
- 主題地圖與 OSM:https://osmtw.hackpad.com/-OSM-VnjVOhWBZuO
- 主題地圖案例蒐集:https://g0v.hackpad.com/4nashhbYi72
- color advice for cartography:http://colorbrewer2.org/
- 資料集的授權選擇與考量:?
- 地圖標準化探討
- A Formula for Facility Mapping
- https://anymap.co.nz/2017/02/09/a-formula-for-facility-mapping/
- Making Better Digital Maps in an Era of Standardization
- http://www.citylab.com/design/2014/08/making-better-digital-maps-in-an-era-of-standardization/378805/
- Using pre-digital techniques as inspiration, three cartographers lead the charge against cookie-cutter digital maps.
- http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/6-online-tools-for-open-geo-data
- 攀岩「地圖」?
- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10155244357069038&set=gm.729286353898945&type=3&theater
- http://www.synthicity.com/
- The GeoCanvas platform is our initial release of technology, and provides users with incredibly simple and fast 3D data visualization for exploring their cities and regions.
- UrbanCanvas is coming soon, and adds numerous features, including 3D buildings with an extensible library of building styles, editing tools using paint-style interfaces, and scenarios and timelines for visualizing alternative development options.
- Our UrbanSim platform is the state-of-the-art in analyzing the impacts of transportation and land use investments and regulations, on real estate market outcomes.
- OpenGeo Suite http://boundlessgeo.com/
- http://geonode.org/
- OpenStreams provides the building blocks that make up integrated hydrological models. These blocks can be complete models but also parts of models that can be used to build other models. It does not aim to be a complete framework for building and connecting models, that task is left to layers (such as OpenMI) that can be build on top of the component or collections of components.
- http://www.synthicity.com/urbancanvas/
- Google Map Engine
- https://mapsengine.google.com/map/
- https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zVgy_4KuTnKc.krSJxZINlKZA
- Tools for Issue Mapping http://issuemapping.net/Main/Tools
- Issue-Based Information System http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Issue-Based_Information_System
- https://www.amigocloud.com/homepage/index.html
- http://gis.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/google/?p=2107
- http://www.google.com/mapmaker
- Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings
- color advice for cartography http://colorbrewer2.org/
- http://grassrootsmapping.org/about/
- ViziCities: http://vizicities.com see your city in 3D
- Taipei: http://vizicities.apps.rawk.es/demo.html#25.051007599999995,121.53397819999999
- MapIt http://mapit.mysociety.org/
- MapIt was written back in 2003 as a postcode lookup to power the original mySociety sites such asWriteToThem. Over time it gained features such as point lookup (for FixMyStreet), and when Ordnance Survey data became freely available in 2010, it was rewritten and made public for the whole UK. Versions have appeared in other countries, such as Norway, and in 2012 we released a global version based on OpenStreetMap data.
- 室內定位:http://indoo.rs/ - It didn’t take long since it was founded in 2010 for “indoo.rs” to become the indoor positioning and navigation technology leader. We believe that indoor (In-Location) is the next evolutionary milestone for the positioning and navigation industry. For this reason, we work day in day out to “get indoor location-based services available on every device”.
- resilience.io is an open-source, cloud-based regional platform, which gathers satellite/earth observation, open government and crowd-sourced economic, social and environmental data together in one place, in an understandable, palatable and visual format.
- http://ecosequestrust.org/resilience-io-supported-by-the-ecological-sequestration-trust/
- 地理 + 資料:各自有許多種呈現的規格
[地理位置] |
[某個描述] |
1.經緯度 |
1.數值,例如降雨量,例如夜間光亮程度 |
2.地址 |
2.二選一,例如空屋或是,不是空屋 |
3.地號 |
3.一個範圍形狀,例如一筆土地地號的形狀,例如一塊濕地的邊界形狀 |
4.公路標示 |
4.一段圖文敘述,例如Ushahidi新聞,例如顧客對於餐廳店家評價 |
5.GSM (?) |
5.帶有估算基礎的描述,例如森林喬木數量,會是某單位面積多少顆,這樣的描述 |
6.其他地理位置的表達方式 |
6.移動方向,例如車流方向、風向 |
7.必須經過計算之後的結果,例如一筆土地的價格必須要從地價與面積甚至土地的更多社會資料來計算出來 |
8.顏色 |
9.判別,例如用衛星圖判斷農田是否休耕與種植的作為種類 |
- [地理+資料]複合屬性,來提供繪圖程式與出圖成果,例如使用者選擇以「地號」+「複合型描述(該地號形狀、面積數值、產權描述...等等)」,這個情境可以初步參考:DZ1984天龍特公地製作過程文章
- 使用者的介面,希望能夠以非程式專業者,也可以大量批次操作的介面,來設計與呈現
麻瓜求問|我想畫出都市社區農耕園圃的主題地圖,需要畫出每一個社區園圃的「輪廓」,輪廓的形狀需要透過螢幕人工手繪的方式來建立,Google Fusion Table 可以容許這件事發生嗎?圖片內,是使用 Umap 來畫出社區農園的形狀,但是整體來說,若採用 Umap 作為主題地圖的呈現方案,似乎無法像 Google Fusion Table 有後台、欄位新增、圖片等等關於這個主題所需的更多表達方式。歸納一下麻瓜目前的遇到的課題:
2.畫好的形狀,也希望能被拿去做其他使用,之前嘗試使用 localwiki 就發現畫完的形狀無法被下載或是匯出。
3.希望能夠有新增欄位、圖片連結等資料集內容的編輯,這部分是使用 Umap 的時候發現無法支援的。
4.由於這個主題地圖,會需要分散各個城市的 NGO 或是一般使用者自主學習使用與貢獻資料,所以也希望考量到使用的門檻,以及線上協作的可能。
Umap 試畫網址:https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/zh-tw/map/map_50075...
localwiki 類似計畫的網址:https://localwiki.org/taipeicommunity/