- 桑士坦(Cass R. Sunstain),《網路共和國》(Republic.com)
- 興德曼(Matthew Hindman),《數位民主之迷失》
- 曼紐爾.卡斯特 (Manuel Castells),《Aftermath》、《Networks of Outrage and Hope》 (節譯:上集 、下集 )
- 還有比較早以前的(有中譯的) 《資訊時代三部曲》、(未中譯的) 《Communication Power》
- 海莫能 (Pekka Himanen),《駭客倫理與資訊時代精神》
- 柄谷行人,《世界史的結構》、《哲學的起源》
- Howard Rheingold, Net Smart: How to Thrive Online
- Steven Weber, 《The Success of Open Source》
- 政治/社會學者寫的麻瓜入門書,淺白易懂,不過有點時間了 (2004)
- Clay Shirky, 《鄉民都來了》(Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing without Organization)、《下班時間扭轉未來》(Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age)
- Sam Williams, Richard Stallman, 《Free as in Freedom 2.0》
- Lawrence Lessig, 《網路自由與法律》 (Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace)、《誰綁架了文化創意》 (Free Culture)、《REMIX》
- 以上三本是早期著作,有中譯,近年講匡正國會的三本則尚未中譯:《Lesterland》、《One Way Forward》、《Republic Lost》
- 《Rebooting America》 部分內容翻譯
- Cyberpower – The Culture and Politics of Cyberspace and the Internet
- The Civic Web: Online Politics and Democratic Values
- Cyberactivism : online activism in theory and practice
- Activism!: direct action, hacktivism and the future of society
- Burning at the Grassroots: Inside the Dean Machine
- Gabriella Coleman, Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking
- Steven Levy, Hackers: heroes of the computer revolution
- We Are Legion - The Story of the Hacktivists
- Project Code Rush - The Beginnings of Netscape / Mozilla Documentary
- The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
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