
2010/09/01 「8=∞:道德論者的不道德震撼」 科學人雜誌

2011/12/01  「荷蘭驚爆社會心理研究造假」 知識通訊評論

DORA, Declaration On Research Assessment

2015/04/30   1:140的思考  科學月刊

2015/09/17 「連遭國際期刊撤稿 中國整頓學術風氣」端傳媒

2016/04/18 A New Metric Could Help Weed Out Junk Science Vocativ

2016/07/06 Hate journal impact factors? New study gives you one more reason

2016/11/21  #pizzagate beginning: The Grad Student Who Never Said "No"

2016/12/03 「15篇被撤回的論文和一場美金2億元的官司」黃正球@科學月刊

2016/12/22「生醫研究倫理訓練 – 借鏡美國的經驗」NIH林士傑@科學月刊 


01/15 "The Heroes of CRISPR" Eric S. Lander, Cell pmid: 26771483  was PubPeered

01/18  朱真一教授 日本的研究造假事件系列報導

01/25  #pizzagate PeerJ Preprints: Statistical heartburn: An attempt to digest four pizza publications from the Cornell Food and Brand Lab

02/02 #pizzagate Retraction Watch: Backlash prompts prominent nutrition researcher to reanalyze multiple papers 

02/05 影片介紹:科學家之路  SU2M comment 連結   沒有臉書的按這邊

02/28 Crimes against data by Prof Andrew Gelman 

Randy Schekman演講共筆 

03/08–03/10美國國家科學院(National Academy of Sciences)於Washington, D.C.舉辦座談會『當前研究低重現性之問題與補救 Reproducibility of Research: Issues and Proposed Remedies』

03/27 Authors who retract for honest error say they aren’t penalized as a result 網頁連結

03/31  NIH’s new embrace of preprints will be a boon to science (Link)

04/04  For problematic papers, don’t retract or correct, say publishing experts: Amend (網頁連結)  (Preprint.pdf)  

04/04 Announcing Unpaywall: unlocking #openaccess versions of paywalled research articles as you browse (Link)  :green_book:

04/06 The Breakdown in Biomedical Research 華爾街日報

04/07  人為逼出研究的顯著結果:「披薩門」事件是怎麼一回事? 陳紹慶@泛科學

04/08 瑞典卡羅琳醜聞的教訓: 對台灣的啟示 朱真一@民報

04/20 「上百篇醫學論文被創紀錄撤稿,同行評審造假何以橫行?」端傳媒

04/22  HBO上映新戲 The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (2017)

04/26 「A university asked for numerous retractions. Eight months later, three journals have done nothing.」Retraction Watch  

04/23 「中國醫生論文造假名單曝光 涉100多機構524人」 新唐人

04/29 「比107篇造假論文更可怕的,是SCI論文都能買」微文庫

05/01  "Remarkable” it was ever accepted, says report: Science to retract study on fish and microplastics"  Retraction Watch  

05/02 The American Society for Cell Biology 好幸福的美國科學家 --> 國會力挺, 2017通過增加20億美元(~604億台幣)的經費給NIH。

05/03 Integrity starts with the health of research groups (Funders should force universities to support laboratories’ research health)  Nature 評論   

05/04  吹哨者宜懂得法定程序以保護自己  SU2M貼文  Retraction Watch Link

05/12 「曾志朗在《天下》訪問時興奮地說,已經得到教育部的支持。他五月底將率領台灣團,到阿姆斯特丹參加第五屆世界研究倫理大會,將爭取兩年後的全球大會,移師到台灣主辦。」連結

05/16 「Journal retracts paper eight months after U.S. Feds announce findings of misconduct

05/18 「Four in 10 biomedical papers out of China are tainted by misconduct, says new survey

05/19 「Common pitfalls in preclinical cancer target validation」William G. Kaelin Jr@Nat Rev Cancer

05/20 「Weekend reads: A hoax involving a “conceptual penis;” fake reagents; plagiarism irony

05/24 「Publish houses of brick, not mansions of straw」William G. Kaelin Jr.

05/28–05/31    第五屆世界研究倫理大會

06/01  「NIH neuroscientist up to 16 retractions」 Retraction Watch  

06/02 「2019 第六屆世界研究倫理大會」由香港、墨爾本共同舉辦,地點在香港. 

06/06  此區News Feed之後合併至事件簿首頁 :newspaper: 


開放科學Open Science在台灣?

2017/02/08   National plan open science, Netherlands  荷蘭文化科學教育部

2017/03/02   開放科學在荷蘭  荷事生非 (上)   荷事生非 (下)

2017/04/20  We Need a GitHub for Academic Research   Slate

回事件簿首頁   ⏎  :tent:  

  • Final Decisions of MOST and MOE 
  • 各機構受質疑論文進度追蹤 (澄清篇)
  • 其它學術倫理事件檔案夾 (未完待結篇)