g0v summit 2014 文件翻譯 [英>中]

poplus 贊助商介紹文案


Organisations all over the world are holding governments to account, challenging corruption, and demanding the right to transparency, and they are using digital technologies to do so. Poplus is an open federation of people and organisations from many different countries with this common goal. Our joint mission is to share knowledge and technology that can help us to help citizens.


全世界的組織透過數位科技的應用,要求政府肩負起責任[hold to account],挑戰貪腐,並追求資訊透明的權利。Poplus是來自很多不同國家的擁有這個共同目標的個人與組織的開放聯邦。我們的共同任務是分享可以幫助我們去幫助公民的知識與技術。


Poplus’ founding principle is that collaborative civic coding can help save time and expense for people and organisations everywhere. And that sharing stories and lessons will help us all to be as effective as possible.


Poplus 的發起原則為協作的公民程式開發可以幫助各地人民與組織節省時間與金錢開銷。而透過分享故事與課程,將能夠幫助我們盡可能變得更有效率。


Civic websites often need the same basic functionalities, no matter what kind of legislature or form of government they operate within. At Poplus we have been trying to build technologies that can save us all time and money by re-using each others work


公民網站時常需要同樣的基本功能,無論何種立法或政府形式他們在其中營運。在 Poplus 我們試圖透過重複使用彼此的成果來建立可以節省時間與金錢的技術。