g0v NYC Hackathon Planning
- Get more people understand g0v and involve in g0v
- Understand g0v
- What is g0v
- What g0v has done
- Current status of g0v
- How to involve
- How to use g0v infrastructure (Data.g0v)
- How to share your project and collaborate with others
Planning Committee Rundown:
1. Introduction:
- Goal(分組,確定日期,Milestone) + g0v history + g0v current status (Ask presentation files from IPA and CL Kao) - Chien 10 mins
- Experience Sharing
- How to host a g0v event in the US (Hsin will call Dustin) - Dustin 10 mins
- Attending g0v hackathon
- Developer: Hsin (3min)
- Designer: Mia (3min)
- Project hub and other projects demo (5 mins)
2. 日期,Milestone,分組,組長
- Marketing
- Development
- Finance
- Fund Raising
- Event Planning
3. 分組討論 30 mins
活動組 Chien
- 流程
- 主持
- Invite Speaker (local civic group(speaker, experience))
- 場地相關
- 佈置
- 非紐約參加者的過夜事宜(Sleeping Bag...)
- 處理報名等等
- Food
- 找場地,場地需注意事項如下:
- 可否過夜 - 7x24
- Budget
- Capacity: ~80
- Transportation
- 網路
- Bank account
- Reimbursement
- Registration Fee - $20 ??
- 收支管理
g0v NYC Hackathon Fundraisng
- Fund Raising for Individuals
- 與 Hacker Team 合作,確定用什麼方式募集( Indie Go Go, g0v.us website with Stripe)
- Fund Raising for Organizations
- 經文處
- 台灣會館
- 台灣商會
- 中華會館
- Flushing brand (功夫茶)
- 學生會
行銷組(至少三人 )
- Social Media Marketing (Facebook/Twitter)
- Partnership (TAP, FAPA, facebook group)
Hacker Team (越多越好)
- Get website/repo/facebook page from DC Hackthon team
- Website development/design
- Payment system?
Milestone 1 (in two weeks after planning session):
- Decide Date 2/21(12), 4/4(4),
- Decide Location
- Website (Fund raising, registration)
- Start Fundraising for Individuals (Bank account) (Ask Dustin)
Milestone 2 (Mid-Jan):
- Fund raising for organization
- Marketing initiative
詢問是否能麻煩同鄉會non profit status to open an account (for lower fee on indiegogogog)
co-working space