g0v summit 2014 vip invitation


==== 社會所邀請碼使用說明分界 ====

想參與社會所二十週年「跨世代學運論壇」與 g0v 合辦的 g0v Summit 零時政府年會,請用所附邀請碼至以下連結填寫 


報名連結:報名網址: http://g0v-tw.kktix.cc/events/g0v-summit-2014-con-vip

(請於 9/30 23:59 前使用邀請碼報名)


g0v Summit 2014 網站: summit.g0v.tw

g0v Summit 2014 的議程(暫定): http://bit.ly/1ux63vF

==== 社會所邀請碼使用說明分界 ====


信件主題:敬贈 g0v Summit 2014 講者攜伴邀請碼一組

(English below)


很榮幸您將參與 g0v Summit 2104 零時政府年會,目前議程已經公佈。我們再向您送上一組攜伴券 VIP 邀請碼,您可以自由轉寄給您的朋友,在一般票開跑前(10/1)提早報名。

VIP 邀請碼: {{codes}}

報名網址: http://g0v-tw.kktix.cc/events/g0v-summit-2014-con-vip

(請於 9/30 23:59 前使用邀請碼報名)

g0v Summit 2014 網站: http://summit.g0v.tw

g0v Summit 2014 的議程: http://summit.g0v.tw/zh-TW/schedule.html

請注意:這個 VIP邀請碼 將會在台灣時間 2014-09-30 23:59 後失效。


g0v Summit 2014 大會籌備團隊 敬上

Hi {{Name}},

We’re honored to have you speak at g0v Summit 2014, we’re sending you an extra VIP code for your friend.  g0v Summit 2014 will be held on Nov. 8th at Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, you can bring a friend to g0v Summit. Your friend need to register with

following invitation code on our registration website.

invitation codes are: {{codes}}

Registration web site: http://g0v-tw.kktix.cc/events/g0v-summit-2014-con-vip

g0v Summit 2014 website:summit.g0v.tw 

Agenda of g0v Summit 2014: http://summit.g0v.tw/zh-TW/schedule.html

Please note that the invitation codes will be expired on 2014-09-30 23:59 (GMT+8).

We are looking forward to seeing you at g0v Summit 2014!

Best regards,

g0v Summit 2014 Organizing Team

攤位票 通知信

{{name}} 先生/女士,您好,

g0v 零時政府社群運作兩年了,預計在 2014 年 11 月 8 日(六)於台北南港中央研究院人文社會科學館舉行年會,與中研院社會所二十週年慶「跨世代學運論壇」合辦。

感謝您協助參與 {{專案名}} 專案的成果擺攤,場地目前會提供一張約 180*60 的長桌;若您在擺設上有特殊需求,或是需要超過一張以上的桌子/其他擺設時,也勞煩您回信告知。


攤位票邀請碼: {{codes}}

報名網址:  http://g0v-tw.kktix.cc/events/g0v-summit-2014-con-nor

(請於 9/30 23:59:59 前使用邀請碼報名)

g0v Summit 2014 網站:  http://summit.g0v.tw

g0v Summit 2014 的議程:  http://summit.g0v.tw/zh-TW/schedule.html

請注意:這個 攤位票 邀請碼 將會在台灣時間 2014-09-30 23:59:59 後失效。


g0v Summit 2014 大會籌備團隊 敬上

VIP email 通知信

VIP 邀請email template

信件主題:敬邀參與 g0v Summit 零時政府年會 (2014/11/8)


g0v 零時政府社群運作兩年了,預計在 2014 年 11 月 8 日(六)於台北南港中央研究院人文社會科學館舉行年會,與中研院社會所二十週年慶「跨世代學運論壇」合辦。

目前議程已初步敲定,將是四軌平行共 29 場演講,計有英美智韓德紐港等七國外賓講者,涵蓋主題包括「開放國會」、「參與式民主」、「教育」、「開放資料與環境」、「公民新科技」、「媒體曝光下的學運」(社會所座談會)等。請參考初步議程(http://bit.ly/1ux63vF),正式議程將在 9/22 日公布。

這兩年來與許多團體有跨界協作,我們希望能繼續學習與交流。很榮幸邀請您參加 g0v Summit 2014 年會,並向您送上邀請碼,一個人可以用一個 VIP 邀請碼 報名,您也可以將不用的邀請碼轉寄給您的朋友。

VIP 邀請碼: {{codes}}

報名網址: http://g0v-tw.kktix.cc/events/g0v-summit-2014-con-vip

(請於 9/30 23:59:59 前使用邀請碼報名)

g0v Summit 2014 網站: summit.g0v.tw

g0v Summit 2014 的議程(暫定): http://bit.ly/1ux63vF

請注意:這個 VIP邀請碼 將會在台灣時間 2014-09-30 23:59:59 後失效。


g0v Summit 2014 大會籌備團隊 敬上

Dear {{Name}},

We are honored to invite you to attend g0v Summit 2014 and send you invitation codes. 

g0v Summit 2014 will be held on Nov. 8th at Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

One code can be used for registration of one person. Please feel free to forward unused codes to your friends.

Your invitation codes are: {{codes}}

Registration web site: http://g0v-tw.kktix.cc/events/g0v-summit-2014-con-vip

g0v Summit 2014 website:summit.g0v.tw 

Agenda of g0v Summit 2014:

Please note that the invitation codes will be expired on 2014-09-30 23:59 (GMT+8).

We are looking forward to seeing you at g0v Summit 2014!

Best regards,

g0v Summit 2014 Organizing Team



很高興通知您,您申請的 g0v 社群貢獻者 VIP 已被 沒有人 審核委員會通過。

在此我們提供一組報名用的邀請碼, 希望您能一同來參加 11/8 g0v Summit 2014 Conference的活動。

目前 11/8 議程已初步敲定,將是四軌平行共 29 場演講,計有英美智韓德紐港等七國外賓講者,涵蓋主題包括「開放國會」、「參與式民主」、「教育」、「開放資料與環境」、「公民新科技」、「媒體曝光下的學運」(社會所座談會)等。請參考初步議程(http://bit.ly/1ux63vF),正式議程將在 9/22 日公布。

11/9 的 Unconference 另外報名,於 10/1 開跑!

請注意:邀請碼將會在台灣時間 2014 年 9 月 30 日 23:59:59  後失效。

您的支持對 g0v 是重要的,期盼在 g0v Summit 2014 見到您!

g0v Summit 2014 籌備團隊

Hello {{Name}},

Thank you for your application to g0v Summit 2014 VIP contribution program. We are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted by our Nobody VIP-Program Committee.

Here is the invitation code to register for the conference.

Please note that the invitation code will be expired at 23:59 September 30, 2014 (GMT+8).

Ticket sales for Unconference on Nov 9 starts Oct 1st.

Your support is critical to us. We are looking forward to seeing you at g0v Summit 2014!

Best Regards,

g0v Summit 2014 Organizing Team


Hello {{Name}},

Thank you for your application to g0v Summit 2014 International Early Bird program. We are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted by our Nobody Early-Bird-Program Committee.

Here is the  invitation code to register for the conference.

Please note that the invitation code will be expired at 23:59 September 30, 2014 (GMT+8).

Your support is critical to us. We are looking forward to seeing you at g0v Summit 2014!

Best Regards,

g0v Summit 2014 Organizing Team

社群貢獻票申請 kktix 文案


g0v 零時政府社群運作兩年,預計在 2014 年 11 月 8 日(六)於台北南港中央研究院人文社會科學館舉行年會系列活動!目前議程已初步敲定,將是四軌平行共 29 場演講,計有英美智韓德紐港等七國外賓講者。第二天 11/9 將在中研院資訊所舉辦 Unconference。正式議程將在 9/22 日公布。

為了嘉惠加入並貢獻 g0v 社群專案的參與者們,我們特地推出【g0v Summit 2014 .社群貢獻票專案】,只要您符合以下的申請資格,就能提前得到邀請碼,搶先報名 g0v Summit 2014(票價 NTD$500)。

g0v Summit 2014 年會資訊

時間:2014/11/8 0900-1700


官網: http://summit.g0v.tw/

備註:11/9 Unconference 票券將另於 10/1 開始報名,相關訊息請密切注意 irc, fb, hackpad。


台灣時間 2014 年 9 月 15 日(一) 20:00:00 至 2014 年 9 月 20 日(六)  23:59:59

(9 月 30 日前公佈申請結果)


提出由 2012 年 10 月至今,於以下列舉的平台或未列舉的其他公開專案管理平台,如 Github 、hackpad 等協作平台,實際參與專案開發、推廣或其他有助於 g0v 專案的貢獻,只需您提出有效的證明(專案網址、commit log、文字、圖片、影像、演講投影片或其他方式),我們都非常歡迎您提出申請。

通過審查的申請者,我們將依申請順序, 奉上一組報名代碼,只要在有效期限內完成報名,即可參與 g0v Summit 2014,名額只有150個先搶先贏!(如果貢獻良多,卻太晚報名無法候補上,也只好抱歉囉!)



g0v Summit 2014 will be held on Nov. 8th at Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.  Speakers from Taiwan, UK, US, Chile, Korea, Germany, New Zealand and Hong Kong are going to give 29 talks in four parallel tracks.

g0v Summit 2014 community contributors program is specially denoted to people who continuously contribute to open source communities.  150 registration codes will be sent to qualified applicants.

g0v Summit 2014

Date: November 8, 2014

Location: Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica

Website: http://summit.g0v.tw/

Open for Application

September 15, 2014 at 20:00:00 - September 20, 2014 23:59:59 (GMT+8)

(Announcement on September 30)


Your participation in an g0v project since October 2012 makes you eligible for applying for a Registration Code. The g0v project and your participation must meet the following conditions:

The project source code must be released with a license approved by Open Source Initiative.

The project must be hosted on a public repository like Github (github.com), Google Code (code.google.com), SourceForge (sourceforge.net), or others.

You must provide proofs of your contributions in forms of web pages, commit logs, mail contents, photos, or others that are publicly accessible. Your contributions can be codes, documentation, promotion campaign, or any other activities that help the project in a positive way.

Qualified applicants will be granted a Registration Code on a first come first serve basis until Registration Codes run out.  150 codes are reserved for community contributors program.

Note: The Contributor Program is not eligible for "Unconference" on November 9.  Tickets to Unconference will be available on October 1 on KKTix.


國際早鳥票申請 kktix 文案

g0v Summit 2014 will be held on Nov. 8th at Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.  We are expecting 600 participants to join speakers from Taiwan, UK, US, Chile, Korea, Germany, New Zealand and  Hong Kong, giving 29 talks in four parallel tracks including:

* Open Congress

* Participatory Democracy

* Education

* Environment

* New Civic Tech

* New Media

* Unconference (November 9th)

Full program will be announced on September 22nd.  All tracks are in English or Mandarin.  Live interpretation headsets will be provided.

g0v Summit 2014 International Early Bird Program is for residents in other countries, so you can make travel arrangements earlier.  Applicant should provide his/her proof of residence in forms of blog, Facebook / Google plus / LinkedIn profile with Location, along with a post like "I’m visiting Taiwan for g0v Summit 2014".

Open for Application

September 15, 2014 at 20:00:00 - September 20, 2014 at 23:59:59 (GMT+8) 

(Notification will be sent on September 21)

Eligible applicants will be granted a Registration Code on a first come first serve basis until Registration Codes run out.  30 codes are reserved for International Early Bird program.  Ticket price is NT$500.  Applicants with a registration code must complete the registration process at KKTix before midnight 30 September 2014 (GMT+8).

VISA Application and Wavier Porgram: http://www.boca.gov.tw/np.asp?ctNode=776&mp=2

Please contact us if you need a formal invitation for a Visitor’s Visa.

g0v Summit 2014 Information

Date: November 8, 2014

Location: Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica

Website: http://summit.g0v.tw/


一般 kktix 文案(VIP、貢獻、國際早鳥、一般)


此為 VIP 與 國際早鳥 的報名頁面

This page is for VIP and International Early Bird invite code.

如有 貢獻者邀請碼 或 想購買 一般票 者,請至:

If you have contributor invite code or want to buy normal ticket, please go to:

g0v 零時政府社群運作兩年,預計在 2014 年 11 月 8 日(六)於台北南港中央研究院人文社會科學館舉行年會,與中研院社會所二十週年慶「跨世代學運論壇」合辦。

目前議程已初步敲定,將是四軌平行共 29 場演講,計有英美智韓德紐港等七國外賓講者,涵蓋主題包括「開放國會」、「參與式民主」、「教育」、「開放資料與環境」、「公民新科技」、「媒體曝光下的學運」(社會所座談會)等。正式議程將在 9/22 日公布。

g0v Summit 2014 年會系列活動

>> Conference

時間:2014/11/8 0900-1700


>> Unconference

時間:2014/11/9 0900-1800


獨立報名:11/9 Unconference 票券將另於 10/1 開始報名,相關訊息請密切注意 irc, fb, hackpad。

g0v Summit 網站: http://summit.g0v.tw/

g0v Summit 議程:將在 9/22 日公布,請密切注意官網


g0v Summit 2014 will be held on Nov. 8th at Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.    Speakers from Taiwan, UK, US, Chile, Korea, Germany, New Zealand and   Hong Kong are going to give 29 talks in four parallel tracks.

>> Conference

Date: November 8, 2014 0900-1700

Location: Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica

>> Unconference

Date: November 9, 2014 0900-1800

Location: Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica

Registration: Coming soon

g0v Summit Website: http://summit.g0v.tw/


Coscup templates



感謝您這次參與開放原始碼貢獻者 VIP 申請活動。由於今年申請人數眾多,經過審查會的討論後,您的貢獻尚未到達門檻,我們必須割愛,非常抱歉。

您的支持對 g0v Summit 十分重要,也提醒您

今年 g0v Summit 網路報名時間為 台灣時間 2014年10月1日 12:00 開始

期盼在 g0v Summit 2014 見到您!

g0v Summit 2014 籌備團隊

Thank You Letter

Hi {{Name}},

Thank you very much for applying g0v Summit 2014 VIP contribution program.

We received an overwhelming number of applications this year and VIP Program Committee has held lengthy discussions. We are sorry to inform you that your application was not approved. 

g0v Summit 2014 online registration opens on October 1, 2014 12:00 (GMT+8).

We are looking forward to seeing you at  g0v Summit 2014!


g0v Summit 2014 Organizing Team



很高興通知您,您申請的開放原始碼貢獻者 VIP 已被 VIP 審核委員會通過。

在此我們提供一組報名用的邀請碼, 希望您能一同來參加 COSCUP 2014 的活動。

邀請碼將會在台灣時間 2014 年 6 月 3 日 12:00 後失效。

您的支持對 COSCUP 是重要的,期盼在 COSCUP 2014 見到您!

COSCUP 2014 籌備團隊

Accept Letter

Hello {{Name}},

Thank  you very much for your submission to the  g0v Summit 2014 VIP contribution program. We are delighted to inform you that your submission has been accepted by our VIP-Program Committee.

The following is the invitation code which you need to register for the conference.

Please note that the invitation code will be expired on 12:00 June 3, 2014 Taipei time.

Your continued support is important to us. We are looking forward to meeting you at  g0v Summit 2014!

Best Regards,

The  g0v Summit 2014 Organizing Team


(English below)

{{Name}}, 您好,


很榮幸邀請您參加COSCUP 2014 研討會,並向您送上邀請碼,一個人可以用一個邀請碼報名,您可以將不用的預約碼轉寄給您的朋友。

邀請碼: {{codes}}

報名網址: http://coscup2014.kktix.cc/events/coscup2014-regist

COSCUP 2014網站: http://coscup.org/

COSCUP 2014的議程將會在 6 月公布

請注意這個邀請碼將會在台灣時間 2014-06-03 12:00 後失效。


COSCUP 2014 大會籌備團隊 敬上


Dear {{Name}},

We are honored to invite you to attend g0v Summit 2014 and send you invitation codes. 

g0v Summit 2014 will be held on Nov. 8th at Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

One code can be used for registration of one person. Please feel free to forward codes to your friends.

Your invitation codes are: {{codes}}

Registration web site: http://coscup2014.kktix.cc/events/coscup2014-regist

 g0v Summit 2014 website: http://coscup.org/

Agenda of  g0v Summit 2014:

Please note that the invitation codes will be expired on 2014-06-03 12:00 (CST).

We are looking forward to seeing you at  g0v Summit 2014!

Best regards,

 g0v Summit 2014 Organizing Team