g0v summit 2016 Call for Sponsorship [ENG]

g0v.tw is a civic tech community in Taiwan since 2012 with deep open-source roots.  With 1,000+ contributors through 40+ hackathons, it is recognized as one of the largest group in the global civic tech community.  The community focuses on building tools for better information disclosure, engagement, and online democracy, advocating government transparency through the power of information technology.

Through the years, the g0v community stimulated the progress of open government, open data, civic participation, and new media in Taiwan.  Today the open community is still one of the main driving force for grass root civic movements, through interdisciplinary collaboration.

g0v.tw 台灣零時政府社群從 2012 年 10 月開始,用數位世代的思維,以開源(open source)方式號召群眾以網路世代的新模式協作,運用科技力量促進政府透明化。截至 2016 年 3 月已有 40+ 場黑客松、受邀演講 50+ 場、媒體報導 80+ 次、1000+ 遍佈三大洲的貢獻者,成果皆以自由軟體模式釋出。 並於 2014 年 11 月舉辦 g0v Summit 零時政府高峰會(g0v Summit 2014),2015 年 8 月與世界銀行集團合作舉辦資料新聞實戰營(d|Bootcamp Taipei)。

三年多來 g0v 社群的開源群眾貢獻刺激了台灣開放政府、開放資料、公民參與、新媒體等領域的發展,直至今日仍是數位草根公民運動的重要動力。g0v 社群以強勁的跨界動能拓展各種成果,在國際公民科技(civic tech)社群也受到矚目,並迅速成為全球最大開源開放政府社群。

About g0v summit 2016

2014 年底台灣歷經了大型公民運動的洗禮,g0v 社群首度舉辦 g0v Summit 高峰會,促成開放社群、政府、NGO、學術圈、網路界多方交流。是台灣各界摸索如何運用資訊科技與群眾參與尋找新路的一次盛會,也邀請到國際公民科技界重量級先驅來台分享。當時兩天的密集議程碰撞出許多跨界火花,也在社群持續運動中,延燒出新的協作成果。

During 2016, the time of the presidential transition in Taiwan, the g0v community wants to call for talents from different sectors and find a way to change the society through the use of technology.

台灣在 2016 年時值新舊政府交接,g0v 社群秉持熱愛開放分享的精神,也希望再度邀集各界齊聚,找出運用科技改變社會的下一步。

Returning for a second year after 2014, the g0v Summit 2016 will again invite the global civic tech community to share their experiences for collaboration between public servants, technologists, and NGO workers.  We are pleased to have Felipe Heusser, founder and former Director of the Chilean NGO Ciudadano Inteligente and Fellow at the Berkman Center, as our keynote speaker.

g0v summit 2016 is set to be held on May 14th, 2016, at Humanities and Social Sciences Building in Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 750 participants are expected to attend the conference. Open Government, Open Data, and civic tech engagement in civil movements are expected to be covered in the programmes.

Keynote Speaker - Felipe Heusser

Keynote Speaker - Miguel Arana Catania

Keynote Spekaer - ROC Premier - Chang, San-cheng

Chang San Cheng has been advocating open data in Taiwan through his incumbency in the Executive Yuan, his effort makes Taiwan tops out the OKFN Open Data Index in 2015. On the time of governmental transition of power, he will share his experience on the collaboration between public departments and open source communities to establish an open government.

張院長自政務委員、科技部長、行政院副院長至院長任內,一路推動台灣的開放資料不遺餘力,更使得 2015 年台灣的 OKFN 開放資料評比進步至全球第一。


Global Civic hackers Gathered

We received 70+ submissions from 17 countries during the conference call for proposals.  We are expecting speakers for 15 countries (U.S.A., Canada, Chile, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Nepal, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, India, Australia), featuring civic tech communities from different regions, sharing their expertise and local experiences.

In Taiwan, apart from tech-savvy civic hackers, we hold attendees from local NGO, public servants, etc., and all kinds of fields. Our programme contents are also broader and deeper then the last summit, the conference is believed to be anticipated.

本次我們收到了來自全球 17 國高達 70 份的投稿,預計將有來自 15 國(美國、加拿大、智利、英國、德國、法國、立陶宛、波蘭、西班牙、尼泊爾、日本、韓國、香港、印尼、澳洲),涵蓋各國公民科技社群,將在大會中分享他們的專業與經驗。

在臺灣,除了以科技見長的 Civic hackers,我們也有來自國內 NGO、政府部門等跨領域的與會者,較上次會議內容更廣也更深,相信精彩可期。

Previous Highlights

Throughout the years, the g0v community has been building civic tech tools for better information disclosure, open data engagement, and online democracy, meanwhile being an strong influence on the advocacy of Taiwan’s open government policy.

Since the 2014 Summit, there are some exciting achievements of collaboration between the government agencies, media, and NGOs and civic tech communities in Taiwan, especially the g0v community.

In November 2014, the first g0v summit was held by volunteers from the g0v community. Individuals and groups interested in “technically” revolutionize the society were invited to join the discussion, forming the momentum of impact through in-depth communications.

g0v Community Results

Since g0v summit 2014, there have been many g0v community projects, with different categories including civic engagement, open government, and disaster mitigation:

Moedict, 2015 Formosa Fun Coast explosion incident info, presidential election promises chart, blood center info, PM2.5 air pollution data visualization, counselor voting guide, etc.

In the month before the 2016 Legislative Yuan election, the well-known "Counselor Voting Guide" project reached 400k users and more than 3M views. This made digital civic engagement extend into the general public’s actual civic participation actions in Taiwan, not only the minority.

自 g0v Summit 2014 以來,g0v 社群專案成果含括了公民參與、開放政府、救災資訊科技等不同面向:萌典、八仙塵爆、2016 總統大選承諾一覽表、捐血中心資料、急診即時資訊、國發會開放政府資料授權條款民間建議版、愛台語、賽豬公上太空計畫、憲餅廚房、vTaiwan、PM2.5 空污視覺化、立委投票指南、議員投票指南、割闌尾計畫、選舉黃頁等。

而長期耕耘、廣為人知的「立委投票指南」專案,也在 2016 年立委選舉前一個月,獲得超過 40 萬使用者,與超過 3 百萬的瀏覽量,讓科技公民參與不再只是少數人的事,而能夠真正推廣到臺灣一般民眾的政治參與行動中。

Major Benefits

Our Audiences

g0v summit 2014 attendees stats:



Men 64%, Women 29%, and 7% undefined.


25-34 years, with 49%, is the largest age group.

16-24 and 35-44 years are the second, with 18% and 16% respectively.

g0v community hackathons participants composition:

g0v community holds regular hackathons since its beginning in 2012. 19 hackathons with 100+ participants were conducted.

The participants are mostly IT professionals at the first, then gradually diversified. People from fields including media, media, government departments, NGOs, academics attend and contribute their skills to the community.

Patron Levels

贊助級別 0.Alchemist Level 1.Evangelist Level 2.Activist Level 3.Civicist Level
Summit Tickets
Pre-event dinner quota
Exclusive branding Workshop sponsorship
Social Media exposure 3 times before the event, 3 times before the event, 2 times before the event, 1 time before the event,
Welcome bag contents Merchandises x 5 Merchandises x 5 Merchandises x 3 Merchandises x 1
Share Benefits Logo, link, and description (200 words and under) on website. Logo, link, and description (200 words and under) on website. Logo, link, and description (200 words and under) on website. Logo, link, and description (200 words and under) on website.

Event Partnership

Instead of exhibition booths, we hold collaborated events with our partners to promote their brands, along with the open culture spirit. These events may lead g0v participants to meet our partners further.

大會活動並未提供合作夥伴攤位行銷,而是以協助舉辦活動的方式,於活動中融入開放文化的精神,共同推廣品牌,吸引 g0v 的認同者更進一步的認識合作夥伴。

Contact Us

g0v Summit holds attendees a wide variety of fields includes local NGO, civic activists, public servants, etc. We hope that people with all type of expertise may exchange their views through g0v Summit. We hope that your organization could join in our force to support the development of civil movements, and enable g0v summit to enhance your organization’s positive image in the society.

If you are interested in sponsoring g0v summit 2016, please send an email to: [email protected], Thank you for your support!

g0v Summit 有來自不同領域的會眾,從政府公部門、非營利組織、公民團體到開源社群,各種專長的人才都將透過 g0v Summit 齊聚交流。希望貴單位能一起促進公民運動發展,讓 g0v Summit 為貴單位提升社會正面形象。

如您有意願贊助 g0v Summit 2016 請寄電子郵件到 [email protected],謝謝!