- Amsterdam Smart City:http://amsterdamsmartcity.com/
- 德國漢堡:nextHamburg
- 德國全境:Stadtmacher - The first nation wide Next-dialogue is starting! Stadtmacher is a pilot project of the German National Urban Development Policy in the field “Urban Development and Economy” .https://www.stadtmacher.org/
- 巴黎:http://www.reinventer.paris/en/
- 都柏林:http://reusingdublin.ie/
- 紐約:ChangebyUS
- Community PlanIt https://communityplanit.org/how-to-play/
- http://datavis.communityplanit.org/phila/
- 邁阿密:http://ideas.ourmiami.org
- 希臘:http://platform.imaginethecity.gr/
- 波哥大:
- Mi Ciudad Ideal|Participate in building the future of Bogotá
- 觀察文章:Combo 2600 http://combo2600.com/about/
- 首爾:WikiSeoul www.wikiseoul.com
- Neighborland Make your neighborhood better
- http://www.urb-i.com/
- https://www.growfunding.be
- https://www.growfunding.be/nl/antwerpen/partner/antwerpen
- Projexity
- ioby:http://ioby.org/
- Seattle
- Neighborhood Matching Fund (Seattle) 社區發展局主導業務,有分三種金額等級,軟硬體類型都鼓勵提案
- Technology Matching Fund - The Technology Matching Fund provides grants up to $20,000 for technology projects. City’s dollars are matched by the community’s contribution of volunteer labor, materials, professional services, or cash.
- http://openplans.org/shareabouts/ - Shareabouts is a flexible tool for gathering public input on a map. Collect local insights from neighborhood residents, or round up data at a state-wide scale. Bike networks, trash maps, street safety, participatory budgeting… Pick a Shareabouts that meets your needs.
- http://streetmix.net/ - Design, remix, and share your neighborhood street – all in your browser! Add trees or bike paths, widen sidewalks or traffic lanes, learn how your decisions can impact your community.
- Design a building, park, or street in NYC, and see the results on the Creation Wall.
- http://www.mcny.org/exhibitions/core/future-city
- 可以發起募資計劃
- 呈現空間改造的提案資訊、圖面、影片、改造前後圖
- 資源整合,公部門的資源或是民間的資源;資源的種類也很多樣化