♎ 開放國會 Open Parliament @ g0v summit 2014

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Parliament is one of the fundamental institution of democracy.  But the congressmen of different parties always have a serious differences in .  This causes political disorder.

Interest Inspector

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Felipe Alvarez @lfalvarez

thank for having me here and for what you do.  we appreciate the work that you do.

i work for a org in sandiago called ciudadano inteligente.org

today i talk about two things.  the first is a research and the second is the idea base on this research.





the relationship bet mony and politics in latin amer.

citizens believe that politicians are corrupted

we believe technology can change

The Study

in chili these is a law that congressmen should disclose their assets

the study researched congressmen assets and the bill they passed.

The match

to see if there is a possible conflict of interests.

The application


this is just a research, there isn’t application running or open data or anything(?)


the impact on public media is that some politicians update their declaration of assets

and e almost got sued by one of the parties but nothing happened in the end because they don’t have anything concrete

it triggered several campaigns that aimed to push regulation the relation between money and politics.

Ley de Lobby


我我們後續期待拉攏更多拉丁美洲的團體。基本概念大抵如下:研究loose ends, 跟actions的關係。這雖然並非絕對性的事情,但是需要進一步的調查:有哪些潛在利益沒有被調查出來?



We ask politicians who gives you the money for your campaign.

Future of Interests Inspector

we want to cerate a simpler but extensible application in different contexts in latin amer.

we want to create a loose end(?) and an action(?)

a loose end could be a close friend

an action may be a vote(?)

to see if there is a possible conflict of interests.

I’ve got a question for you.  Does it make sense in your context?  What do you think?

A: Yeah. We have a tool called Influence explore.  I think it definitely work on the same direction.


Q: How did you collect the data and make sure it is correct?

A: We want to collect data the way we find it.  We could create scrappers or manually because in latin amer you don’t have much open data.  So we want to have options or any options that is helpful.

Q: How do you determine if there is a conflict of interests once you get all the data?

A: What we did we created a category of bills and category of assets.  If there is a match there might be a conflict in interests(?)

Basically we want to create categories on both sides and leave it open for others to create other tools like complex algorithms



that’s why we created the concept of a loose end.  loose ends are not restricted to congressmen’s own assets only, like a congressmen’s wife or relatives create a loose ends.

Using Open Data to Empower Others

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Matthew Rumsey

Thank you for having me.

I work on federal policy.  SF is a nonpartisan nonprofit.  I want to emphasis on the nonpartisan part.  We work with all politicians and we criticize all politicians if they do things we disagree.

we believe everyone have access to gov info and have a voice in gov process.  And we try to achive this by using technology and create tools.

We make sure that gov data is open, we create data to help gov and make sure these are open, we make sure our tools are open.

sunlight is broken into several pieces.  we have a reporting group that have 5-6 journalists.

they try to report on money and politics, do research to report on how money are going into our politics.

the biggest groups in our fundation is the lab group.

labs are important to engage people to understand how gov works.




so we can usually have the data we want.

but sometimes we also have to scrap the data.

Local Open Data

International team is focus on working with org in the world.

the team is working on larger projects like parliament transparency.


the money, politics and transparency project.

tools and projects


how we are able to identify problems, work with gov the find a solution and make changes.

what companies are getting contracted?

clearspending project

a lot of data on usaspending.gov is not really useful, outdated, incomplete.  they found huge problems.

what’s the solution?

after 2008 gov put lots of money recovery

recovery.gov they did very successful job on tracking those money

this sort of put a mandate on gov that you need to disclose several things.  to let people know where the money is going




usapending.gov  這個網站中有很多資訊其實不那麼有用,不是太晚更新就是不準確、要不就是訊息遺失。


我們建立了一些有用的工具,例如scout的這網站,可以追蹤你有興趣的法案,之後有任何更新,你就會收到e-mail。對於民眾有興趣的議題,可以即時掌握。未來我們也會加入各州的訊息,讓民眾可以即時掌握... 民眾可以在上面評論,這同時也是一個資訊平台。

scout後來也發展出opencongress, 藉此可以監督各個議員的作為,甚至跟個議員取得聯繫。



using parliamentary info.  a tracking tool.  if you are interested in a topic that the parliament is discussing you can start an alert and have the info delivered to your mailbox.

it now includes more things: congress, after congress (regulatory activity), state legistation

a lot of really controversial rules are get passed in state gov(?)


let you track your congressmen to know what they are doing.

a feature is to make e-mailing to your congressment easier.


probably our most popular tool now.  what’s happening in their state (not limited to DC)

who’s the closest person (in gov) to your?  who’s the representatives in your area? what legislation are they passing?

a lot of volunteers spent a lot of their free time to build this tools, they built scraper to get data that are usually closed


tries to breakdown who’s influencing them? how are they influencing them? what are the breakpoints?

we try to make the data public and understandable and let the reader make the judgements.  so this is one of the most popular tools among journalists.


our lab team does not just use technology, they build data, tools for others to use.

sunlight data services

there are 2 billion hits on this API which we are really proud of.






a little bit fun

politwoops that tracks politician tweets and when they delete tweets we catch that

How We Open the National Assembly in South Korea, with Technology

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不知道anymore so I will talk in English.

We want to talk about how we can collaborate possible between Taiwan an Korea or possible broader.



~10 members

How it all started

Politics in South Korea

there is a national "hatred" for politics.  the reason is politics is very corrupted in the past.  people get arrested or even killed because they talk freely in 80-90s.  families and parents objected in the beginning when we say we are making political service

we vote for national assembly each 4yrs, for presidents each 5yrs.  300 members in national assembly.  vote rate is low.

What’s the problem

What we need is a healthy vote-monitor loop.

citizens need get more engaged for politics

we heard later on from national assembly member that this is because the website was not made for the people in the first place but for the members.  that’s why it is so hard to use.

Three strategies

  1. Improve existing tools
  2. Deliver to people
  3. Open the communication channel btw Citizens and Assembly

1 .Improve existing tools

Politics in Korea

2. Deliver to people

one of the ideas we actually implemented later is my page in politics for people to get info about bills that really affected them.



3 Open the Communication

I think if we are going to have direct democracy with help from technology that would be very good and that may happen, but if we cannot have that I think the alternatives is to make this communication very effective.



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在智利我們有個網站叫做....意思是"開放國會.co"→總之應該是指Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente






Lucy Park



Felipe Álvarez:



Q:how do you come up with a good idea? how to prioritize?

Sunlight Foundation has operated for 7 yrs and in the beginning I think our strategy is more like what my boss used to say throw-the-spaghetti-to-the-wall strategy.  We were just like, you get an idea, you just go build it.  But now we are having more strategic thinking.

11/10 Extra 2 Hours QA Party

【打造新政治!開放政府與參與式民主QA PARTY!】






Matthew Rumsey (Sunlight Foundation,美國陽光基金會)

Felipe Álvarez (Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente,智利智慧公民基金會)

Gregory Engels (德國海盜黨) 


主辦單位:綠黨 x 公民組合 x 經濟民主連合

Open Government QA Party!

Date/Time: 2014/11/10 Monday 19:30 - 22:00

Location: CLBC Da-An

Address: 3F-1, 293 Fuxing South Road Section 1, Taipei, TAIWAN 10665 (Guide http://clbc.tw/ourlocations/location/)

Join the event: http://goo.gl/HAvhvi

Host: A-Duan (Green Party Taiwan)


Matthew Rumsey (Sunlight Foundation)

Felipe Álvarez (Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente)

Gregory Engels (Germany Parate Party)