g0v Summit 2016 票種、時程、文案




三組, 六台

sitcon 一樣經由 OCF 贊助,需要預估報到機器價錢


社群貢獻票申請 kktix 文案

2014 社群貢獻票申請文案 

網址: http://g0v-summit2016.kktix.cc/events/g0ver


g0v 零時政府社群邁入第四年,繼上次 2014 年零時政府啥米 (g0v summit) 之後,促成更多的跨領域交流,為了分享社群中的「跨界經驗」,開始籌備 2016 年零時政府啥米,在此誠摯邀請來自不同背景的專案參與者,一起分享過去一年的「融合」經驗,也讓有志運用科技改變社會的各界,能透過更多深入的溝通與交流,看看能夠發生啥米代誌。

為了嘉惠加入並貢獻 g0v 社群專案的參與者們,我們特地推出【g0v Summit 2016 .社群貢獻票專案】,只要您符合以下的申請資格,就能提前得到邀請碼,搶先報名 g0v Summit 2016(票價 NT$800,原價 NT$1200 )。

g0v Summit 2016 年會資訊

時間:2016/5/14 - 5/15


官網: http://summit.g0v.tw/2016/


台灣時間 2016 年 2 月 15 日(一) 20:00:00 至 2016 年 3 月 20 日(日)  23:59:59

(3 月 25 日前公佈申請結果)


提出於以下列舉的平台或未列舉的其他公開專案管理平台,如 Github 、hackpad 等協作平台,實際參與專案開發、推廣或其他有助於 g0v 專案的貢獻,只需您提出有效的證明(專案網址、commit log、bug 回報、文字、圖片、影像、演講投影片或其他方式),我們都非常歡迎您提出申請。

通過審查的申請者,我們將依申請順序,奉上一組報名代碼,請在有效期限內完成報名,即可參與 g0v Summit 2016。要搶要快,搶好搶滿,與會沒煩惱!(為鼓勵大家參與社群,只有到萬不得已場地要爆場時,我們才會停止發放貢獻票邀請碼。)


Since the 2014 Summit, we’ve seen increasing collaboration between the civic tech communities in Taiwan, government agencies, media, and NGOs. As the global civic tech communities  continue to do exciting things to  accelerate political changes, we’d  like to invite you to share and  celebrate some of the small successes,  and your stories on what works  (and what doesn’t!)

g0v Summit 2016 community contributors program is specially denoted to people who continuously contribute to open source communities.

g0v Summit 2016

Date: May 14, 2016 - May 15

Location: Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica

Website: http://summit.g0v.tw/

Open for Application

February 15, 2016 at 20:00:00 - March 20, 2016 23:59:59 (GMT+8)

(Announcement on March 25)


Your participation in an g0v project since November 2014 makes you eligible for applying for a Registration Code. The g0v project and your participation must meet the following conditions:

The project source code must be released with a license approved by Open Source Initiative.

The  project must be hosted on a public repository like Github (github.com),  Google Code (code.google.com), SourceForge (sourceforge.net), or  others.

You must provide proofs of your contributions in forms of web pages, commit logs, mail contents, photos, or others that are publicly accessible. Your contributions can be codes, documentation, promotion campaign, or any other activities that help the project in a positive way.

Qualified applicants will be granted a Registration Code on a first come first serve basis until Tickets run out!!


國際早鳥票申請 kktix 文案

2014 國際早鳥票文案 

網址: http://g0v-summit2016.kktix.cc/events/early-bird

【此為國際參與者早鳥票,方便國際友人提早安排旅程,限定居住地在國外的朋友報名。國內參與者票券將另於 4/1 開始販售,謝謝!】

[This is for International Early Birds only. Regular ticket sales starts 4/1]

g0v Summit 2016 International Early Bird Program is for residents in other countries, so you can make travel arrangements earlier.  Applicant should provide his/her proof of residence in forms of blog, Facebook / Google plus / LinkedIn profile with Location, along with a post like "I’m visiting Taiwan for g0v Summit 2016".

Open for Application

February 15, 2016 at 20:00:00 - March 20, 2016 at 23:59:59 (GMT+8) 

(First notification will be sent on March 1)

Eligible applicants will be granted a Registration Code on a first come first serve basis until Registration Codes run out. Ticket price is NT$800 (~US$25).  Applicants with a registration code must  complete the registration process at KKTix before midnight 30 March 2016 (GMT+8).

VISA Application and Wavier Porgram: http://www.boca.gov.tw/np.asp?ctNode=776&mp=2

Please contact us if you need a formal invitation for a Visitor’s Visa.

>> Conference

Date: May 14, 2016 - May 15

Location: Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica

g0v Summit Website: http://summit.g0v.tw/


一般售票頁面 kktix 文案

2014 介紹文案 

2014 文案參考 

g0v summit 2014 vip invitation


網址: http://g0v-summit2016.kktix.cc/events/conference


g0v.tw 台灣零時政府從 2012 年 10 月開始,用數位世代的思維,以開源(open source)方式號召群眾以網路世代的新模式協作,運用科技力量促進政府透明化。截至 2015 年 8 月已有 30+ 場黑客松、受邀演講 50+ 場、媒體報導 20+ 次、1000+ 遍佈三大洲的貢獻者,成果皆以自由軟體模式釋出。 2014 年 11 月舉辦零時政府高峰會更匯聚了600+ 位來自 9 個國家、不同領域的人參加。

2014 年的零時政府啥米 (g0v summit) 促成了許多跨領域交流合作,也開啟了許多新專案。為了分享社群中的「跨界經驗」,我們開始籌備 2016 年零時政府啥米,將邀請來自不同背景的專案參與者,分享過去一年的「融合」經驗,也讓有志運用科技改變社會的各界,能透過更多深入的溝通與交流,看看能夠發生啥米代誌。

g0v summit 2016 將於 5 月 14 日、 5 月 15 日在中央研究院人文社會科學館舉行,議程涵蓋開放政府、開放資料及運用新科技公民運動等內容,預計參與人數約 750 人。


>> Conference

時間: 2016/5/14 - 5/15


g0v Summit 網站:http://summit.g0v.tw/2016/

g0v Summit 議程: http://summit.g0v.tw/2016/schedules


開放文化基金會 (OCF)  是由台灣多個開源社群合力成立,也是今年 g0v summit 的協辦合作單位之一。為持續支持與服務台灣廣大的開源、開放文化社群,OCF 與 g0v summit 邀請你一同來支持開放文化,在購買門票( VIP 票或一般票)的同時可以決定是否額外捐款(NT$500)給開放文化基金會,用行動一起來支持台灣開放文化的永續經營!

P.S. 需要開發票者,如購票且捐款,將會拿到發票 + 500 元捐款收據。


g0v is a civic tech community established in late 2012 with deep open-source roots. With 1,000+ contributors through 30+ hackathons, it is recognized as one of the largest group in the global civic tech community.  The community focuses on building tools for better information disclosure, n engagement, and online democracy.  Since the 2014 Summit, we’ve seen increasing collaboration between the civic tech communities in Taiwan, government agencies, media, and NGOs.

Here are some highlights in the local community:

As  the global civic tech communities continue to do exciting things to  accelerate political changes, we’d like to invite you to share and  celebrate some of the small successes, and your stories on what works  (and what doesn’t!)

We  expect to bring together 750 people in this event.  Call for Talks and  further details on speakers and sessions will be announced on http://summit.g0v.tw

The topics:

>> Conference

Date: May 14, 2016 - May 15

Location: Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica

g0v Summit Website: http://summit.g0v.tw/

Support OCF (Open Culture Foundation)

When you buy ticket ( VIP or normal ticket), you may sponsor OCF  by donating NT$500, as shown below. Thank you for your kindly support.



g0v summit 2014 報名票種、時程 

g0v summit 2014 vip invitation


Q. 票價確認

Q. 贊助商與媒體票確認

A. 保留票,免費。

Q. 社群貢獻的申請資格? ( 2014年開始? 還是照舊 2012年開始? )

A. 2014 年 11 月之後

Q. 文案幫忙