I was recently planning to create a website to help job seekers and companies to meet each other in a more convenient way than by using the existing websites. A friend of mine found that there is a regulation in Taiwan about this kind of activity, even if it is done for free and without being a kind of agent between the involved parties. Apparently, a permission is required for the website, and the permission has to be requested by either a registered Taiwanese company or a registered organization made of at least 30 persons.
As I am sure that it didn’t occur to the regulators that some individuals which do not belong to either of those 2 categories would be willing to made such a website for free and with the general interest in mind, I would like to ask you what can be done to inform the regulators about how limiting this regulation is, and I would like to ask if it is possible to suggest a change of this regulation to allow non-agent individuals to write such websites for non-profit purpose.
My friend asked a confirmation from the Labor Office, and this is their answer :
[XXX] 您好!
一、依據就業服務法(以下簡稱本法)第35條第1項規定,就業服務業務之範疇,係指職業介紹或人力仲介業務、接受委任招募員工、協助國民釐定生涯發展計畫之就業諮詢或職業心理測驗、其他經中央主管機關指定之就業服務事項。第34條規定,私立就業服務機構及其分支機構,應向主管機關申請設立許可,經發給許可證後,始得從事就業服務業務。未經許可,不得從事就業服務業務。但依法設立之學校、職業訓練機構或接受政府機關委託辦理訓練、就業服務之機關 (構) ,為其畢業生、結訓學員或求職人免費辦理就業服務者,不在此限。違反者,依第65條第1項規定,處新臺幣30萬元以上150萬元以下罰鍰。
勞動部 敬啟
I am sure that something as simple as writing a website which lists job offers *should* be allowed in Taiwan with less financial or logistic constraints.