Food System Planning|Food Policy|Foodscape
- 本頁面主要蒐集食物系統、都市規劃整合等內容
- 若屬於 耕種空間拓展、土地使用分區調整、都市農業、空地與建築基地尺度 等,則蒐集至「都市農業-國際經驗蒐集(https://g0v.hackpad.com/EgXumvuNy7Y)」。
Region/City 區域與城市規劃尺度案例
- Toronto Food Policy Council (TFPC) http://tfpc.to/about
Massachusetts Completes Local Food Action Plan
- http://mafoodsystem.org/plan/
- https://apafig.wordpress.com/2015/11/05/massachusetts-completes-local-food-action-plan/
The New York City Food Policy Center at Hunter College
- http://www.nycfoodpolicy.org/
Delaware Valley Region & Philadelphia
- Eating Here: The Greater Philadelphia Food System Plan
- 研究單位:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
- 前期研究:
- Greater Philadelphia Food Systems Study / Greater Philadelphia Food Systems Study - Appendices / Greater Philadelphia Food Systems Study - Executive Summary
- http://www.dvrpc.org/food/foodsystemstudy.htm#googtrans/en/zh
- 方案成果:
- Eating Here: The Greater Philadelphia Food System Plan
- http://www.dvrpc.org/food/SustainableFoodSystems.htm#googtrans/en/zh
- Healthy Communities Webinar Series: Planning for Greater Philadelphia’s Food System (youtube 簡報影片)
- 內容摘錄:
- https://www.facebook.com/FarmingUrbanismNetwork/photos/?tab=album&album_id=671597642991927
- Cultivating Camden: The City’s Food Economy Strategy
- 研究單位:Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
- 研究摘要:The food system is an important part of the economy; food manufacturing can provide much needed low- and moderate-skill jobs; local food production, preparation, and distribution offer entrepreneurial opportunities; and agricultural products are among the nation’s strongest and largest exports. This publication analyzes Camden’s current food economy and makes a number of recommendations to improve food access and increase economic opportunities for Camden City residents through food-related economic development. The strategy combines current innovative projects with recommendations for future investments, programs, and policies. It is structured around four broad groups of implementers: Institutions, Government, Community Organizations, and Economic Development Organizations.
- Camden’s 77,000 residents
- 文件網址:http://www.dvrpc.org/Products/15058/#googtrans/en/zh
- Cultivating Camden: The City’s Food Economy Strategy seeks to build off Camden’s momentum by identifying opportunities to increase food access and economic opportunities within the city. It analyzes the city’s current food system and food economy, acknowledging the challenges that residents face in accessing healthy food, while at the same time making recommendations to grow food as an economic sector; increase opportunities for food entrepreneurs; engage Camden’s institutions; and support organizations already working to increase access to healthy food, healthcare, and job opportunities. Stable employment and higher household incomes help to address the root causes of food insecurity and hunger: income and poverty.
- Greenworks
- Greenworks is the City’s comprehensive sustainability plan. In 2016, our office will be updating Greenworks to set new goals and targets for the next eight years and beyond.
- 文件網址:
- https://alpha.phila.gov/departments/office-of-sustainability/
- Greenworks_OnlinePDF_FINAL.pdf:https://alpha.phila.gov/media/20160419140515/2009-greenworks-vision.pdf
- 內容摘錄:
- https://www.facebook.com/366624190155942/photos/?tab=album&album_id=671729162978775
Vancouver Food and sustainable food systems
- http://vancouver.ca/people-programs/food.aspx
Seattle Food Action Plan
- Seattle P-Patch Program 1973 至今
- Local Food Action Initiative 2008
- https://g0v.hackpad.com/2UC0RQzR1ku
- Seattle Food Action Plan 2012
- Background
- Strategies
- Approach
- Goal1 Healthy Food for All: All Seattle residents should have enough to eat and access to affordable, local, healthy, sustainable, culturally appropriate food.
- Goal2 Grow Local It should be easy to grow food in Seattle and in our region, for personal use or for business purposes.
- Goal3 Strengthen the Local Economy Businesses that produce, process, distribute, and sell local and healthy food should grow and thrive in Seattle.
- Goal4 Prevent Food Waste Food-related waste should be prevented, reused, or recycled.
- http://www.resilience.org/stories/2015-08-10/food-and-agriculture-play-significant-role-in-city-of-los-angeles-sustainability-plan
- The Los Angeles Food Policy Council (LAFPC)
- 資料
- http://www.sagecenter.org/
- http://www.sagecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/san-francisco-foodshed-assessment.pdf
- 古巴 http://www.newsmarket.com.tw/blog/40745/
- 倫敦市長辦公室曾於 2006 年提出 Healthy and Sustainable Food for London The Mayor’s Food Strategy
- 文件網址:https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/the_mayors_food_strategy_2006.pdf
- 內容架構
- Introduction
- Policy, Commercial and Consumer Context
- A Strategic Framework for London
- Food In London: The Current ‘State of Play’
- The Future of Food in London: A Vision for 2016
- Achieving the Vision: Actions
- Implementation
- Good Food for London
- 研究組織:http://www.sustainweb.org/londonfoodlink/
- 文件網址:https://www.sustainweb.org/londonfoodlink/goodfoodforlondon2015/
- 內容摘錄:
- https://www.facebook.com/FarmingUrbanismNetwork/photos/?tab=album&album_id=671589712992720
- Food and Planning: How London’s planners can improve access to healthy and sustainable food
- https://www.sustainweb.org/publications/food_and_planning_2014/
Incredible Edible
- 資料
- 社區如何處置閒置的土地?當然是種菜。帕姆.沃爾赫斯特在TED沙龍上帶著熱情與幽默告訴我們,她與她日漸壯大的志願隊伍如何將廢置土地變為菜園,如何改變社區中人們看待食物的方式。三個主要的要素:「社區」、「學習」、「經濟」。
- 影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIW3l7gkkn4&index=26&list=PLZxhD1oV74sy6WmdmzQWIjXVfLABnSINT(中文字幕)
- http://www.shareable.net/blog/10-steps-toward-an-incredible-edible-town
- http://www.ted.com/talks/pam_warhurst_how_we_can_eat_our_landscapes?language=zh-tw
- http://incredibleediblenetwork.org.uk/content/take-part
The edible Stavanger east
- 資料
- 計畫網站:http://urbansjofront.no
- 以食物作為區域規劃的核心想法,一直是 FARMING THE CITY 團隊的願景,2013年他們參與挪威 Sjøfront (舍沃甘) 地區的先期規劃計畫,試著在真實的空間規劃情境中應用在地食物系統作為市鎮未來轉型的基礎。Sjøfront 本身是一個水岸市鎮,屬於挪威第三大都市 Stavanger (斯塔萬格) 的衛星市鎮。團隊先舉辦在地工作坊,邀請有興趣的市民參與,一起了解食物系統的各種環節可以產生的社會、環境、在地經濟等效應,共同形塑考量在地食物系統的城市願景。依據所勾勒的願景方針,團隊著手進行一些雛形性質的實質空間改造計畫,例如將一個景觀庭院改造成農耕場地。FARMING THE CITY 致力於探討食物與城市的多元關係,也號召著一種新的城市規劃與運作的方法,將都市變成食物生產的空間、發揮食物系統的各種外部效益來解決城市的問題。
- 《Farming the City》by CITIES
- http://farmingthecity.net/?p=5172
- 社會交流|經濟|教育|環境永續|健康|城市公共基礎建設|宜居
- 文件:http://www.breakdownbreakdown.net/sdm_downloads/future-of-food/
Milan Food Policy
- The road to Milan’s Food Policy
Urban Agriculture Casablanca (UAC)
- http://www.uac-m.org/
- pilot project 1 Urban Agriculture + Industry
- pilot project 2 Urban Agriculture + Informal Settlement
- pilot project 3 Urban Agriculture + Peri- urban Tourism
- pilot project 4 Urban Agriculture + Healthy Food Production
Eat Your View, Felixx
- http://worldlandscapearchitect.com/eat-your-view-veenkolonien-netherlands-felixx/
Edible Rotterdam 可食的鹿特丹
- http://www.eetbaarrotterdam.nl/
- http://www.pauldegraaf.eu/downloads/RvSL_Summary.pdf
- http://www.pauldegraaf.eu/portfolio/recente%20projecten/rvsl_en.html
- http://www.pauldegraaf.eu/downloads/RvSL/RvSL_PdeGraafO&O-2011.pdf
Nile Basin 尼羅河流域
- City region agrifood systems in the urbanizing Nile Basin community
- http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article57332
Japan 日本
- 日本食育基本法
- http://www.newsmarket.com.tw/blog/27315/?fb_action_ids=10200950068459974&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B179932775490000%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.likes%22%5D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D
Bangkok Metropolitan Region 曼谷
- 學術研究:
- Mapping vegetables – understanding the food system of greater Bangkok, Thailand: A web-based Collaborative Research Environment
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272683169_Mapping_vegetables_-_understanding_the_food_system_of_greater_Bangkok_Thailand_A_web-based_Collaborative_Research_Environment
- Linking food and land systems for sustainable peri-urban agriculture in Bangkok Metropolitan Region
- http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169204615001462
- Multispecies Infrastructure: Infrastructural Inversion and Involutionary Entanglements in the Chao Phraya Delta, Thailand
- http://www.tandfonline.com.sci-hub.cc/doi/abs/10.1080/00141844.2015.1119175?journalCode=retn20
Village/Community 城鎮與社區尺度案例
Almere, the Netherlands 2012-2022, Floriade 2022
- http://www.archdaily.com/27637/vision-2030-mvrdv
- Freeland by MVRDV
- 20,000 people
- http://microcities.net/portfolio/symbiosis-self-sufficient-town-for-20000-people-at-henna-finland/
Food City: Dubai’s Self-Sufficient Ecotopia
- http://inhabitat.com/a-utopian-vision-for-food-city-dubai/
- http://aasarchitecture.com/2016/10/polder-model-dutch-urban-solutions.html
- LAB 09 - THE POLDER MODEL A suburban living and bio-farm community, developed around the concept of sustainable food production
ReGen Villages (Almere, Netherlands)
- http://www.regenvillages.com/
- 約100戶
- Venice Architecture Biennale 2016, a community of buildings that produce all their own food and energy. a model that aims to tackle a wide spectrum of global issues, from the food and water crises to the rise of CO2 emissions. Each village would comprise a series of buildings with attached greenhouses, creating spaces where families can grow fruit and vegetables, farm aquaponics or recycle waste products. The aim is to start building the first community of homes this summer in Almere, the Netherlands.
Traumhaus, Mannheim
- https://www.mvrdv.com/en/projects/traumhaus-funari
- MVRDV, in partnership with housing developers Traumhaus, offer a response to the current state of modern day suburbia and the village as part of the redevelopment of former US Army barracks in Mannheim, Germany. The 27,000m2 residential project breaks apart the standard housing model and redefines suburban living through giving residents the affordable suburban lifestyle, with individuality, diversity and community spirit.
De Ceuvel & Buiksloterham, Amsterdam
- http://www.deceuvel.nl/
- http://www.spaceandmatter.nl/de-ceuvel
- 中文介紹:http://www.seinsights.asia/article/3290/3270/4217
Borough of Sandwell
- Sandwell food systems planning: A map for the future
- https://www.sustainweb.org/publications/sandwell_food_systems_planning/
- Recommendations for advancing the health and sustainability of Sandwell’s food system through engaging local government, businesses and community partners.
- http://detroit.curbed.com/2016/12/1/13807672/urban-agrihood-detroit-mufi#22
- Detroit’s urban agriculture ordinance (US)
- http://www.ipes-food.org/images/Reports/Cities_full.pdf
Guantian District, Tainan City 台南市官田區
- https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.1337252572969759&type=3
Danish Food Park
- The Danish Food Park That Wants to Nourish the World - An agricultural park outside the city of Aarhus is a proving ground for the future of food innovation and urban farming.
- FB http://www.agrofoodpark.dk/faciliteter-og-services/lej-et-moedelokale
- The Danish Food Park That Wants to Nourish the World http://www.citylab.com/cityfixer/2016/11/agro-food-park-denmark/506051/?utm_source=SFFB
- 9 questions with eco architect William McDonough on the future of agriculture http://inhabitat.com/9-questions-with-eco-architect-william-mcdonough-on-the-future-of-agriculture/
- Agro 食物公園中文介紹文章 http://www.seinsights.asia/article/3289/3268/4565
- 摘自文章:「位於丹麥的「Agro食物公園」則想成為此研究趨勢的重鎮,它於2009年發跡於丹麥的第二大城奧胡斯(Aarhus),現今有46萬平方英尺的校舍,包括80個組織和1千名員工。這些組織有大有小、公開或私人、由丹麥或不同國籍的人組成,而他們憑著細菌學或香料學等專業知識,投注心力在農業的不同面向中。」
- 有飯大家吃 – 食物規劃與都會農耕的全球趨勢
- Climate Change Urban Food Initiative "Towards Climate Resilient Urban Food Systems"
- http://www.iufn.org/en/our-work/think-tank/climate-change-urban-food/
- Sustainable Food Systems: The Role of the City
- https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ucl-press/browse-books/sustainable-food-systems-the-role-of-the-city
- The Hidden History of Food System Planning
- http://journals2.scholarsportal.info/details?uri=/15385132/v13i0002/91_thhofsp.xml
- Urban planning and food by Michael Lardelli
- http://www.resilience.org/stories/2011-10-31/urban-planning-and-food
- Feeding the City: The Challenge of Urban Food Planning
- http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/13563471003642852
- Stephanie White and Michael W. Hamm
- http://gcfsi.isp.msu.edu/downloads/white_papers/GCFSI_40_2015_MT2_White_Paper_Urban_Planning_Food_Systems.pdf
- Sustainable Food Systems: The Role of the City
- https://foodgeographies.wordpress.com/2017/02/17/new-open-access-book-sustainable-food-systems-the-role-of-the-city/
- Chapter 4 In: Cities and Agriculture - Developing Resilient Urban Food Systems, pp. 88-120 (2015)
- http://www.ruaf.org/agriculture-urban-design-and-spatial-planning
- Cities and Agriculture - Developing Resilient Urban Food Systems
- http://www.ruaf.org/publications/cities-and-agriculture-developing-resilient-urban-food-systems
- CITYFOOD: Linking Cities on Urban Agriculture and Urban Food Systems
- http://resilient-cities.iclei.org/fileadmin/sites/resilient-cities/files/Full_papers/RUFS_2013_CITYFOOD_12pages_FINAL_hq.pdf
- http://www.ruaf.org/sites/default/files/UAM29.pdf
- Food, Agriculture and Cities Challenges of food and nutrition security, agriculture and ecosystem management in an urbanizing world, FAO Food for the Cities multi-disciplinary initiative position paper
- http://www.fao.org/3/a-au725e.pdf
- City Food Policies: 12 city case studies
- http://www.ruaf.org/news/city-food-policies-12-city-case-studies?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
- http://www.citego.info/?-City-Food-Policies-&lang=fr#tabs-3
- The Toronto experience : when food is about relationships and no more about commodities.
- Bristol Food Policy Council : Catalyst and enabler of the Bristol Food System.
- FoodWorks : Innovative urban food programs in New York City
- Towards a sustainable Public Food Service in Copenhagen, using the lever of education and training.
- Paris : Improving food system sustainability through the supply chain challenge.
- Rome : When school canteens become the biggest organic restaurant of the whole country
- Rennes’ food policy : A local partnership focusing on local farming to reconcile the city with rural areas
- “Organic Metropolis Nuremberg” : Increasing organic and local food production
- Saragossa : a city developing a sustainable vision between tradition and innovation
- Brussels, a city-region which bets on urban agriculture to stimulate sustainable food-based local economy
- Geneva : using territorial marketing to increase food self sufficiency and local food consumption.
- Turin, the Italian Detroit for a new culture of food
- http://www.ipes-food.org/images/Reports/Cities_full.pdf
- Insights from five case studies
- Belo Horizonte’s approach to food security (Brazil)
- Amsterdam’s Health Weight Programme (the Netherlands)
- Nairobi Urban Agriculture Promotion and Regulation Act (Kenya)
- Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Plan (Canada)
- Detroit’s urban agriculture ordinance (US)
- http://library.uniteddiversity.coop/Food/Continuous_Productive_Urban_Landscapes.pdf
- Urban Food Planning: Seeds of Transition in the Global North
- http://www.books.com.tw/products/F013773423
- http://www.citego.info/?-City-Food-Policies-&lang=fr#tabs-3
- 食物與農業地理學
- https://nol.ntu.edu.tw/nol/coursesearch/print_table.php?course_id=228%20U0690&class=&dpt_code=2080&ser_no=83260&semester=102-2&lang=EN
- Sustainable food planning: evolving theory and practice
- http://www.wageningenacademic.com/doi/book/10.3920/978-90-8686-187-3
- Edible Infrastructures | Organisational Patterns for Urban-Agricultural Landscapes
- https://issuu.com/edibleinfrastructures/docs/edible_infrastructures_phase2
- WIP:Food for Thought
- https://issuu.com/foodforthoughcpp/docs/journalfinalhr_test
- Exploration between urban agriculture and residential living at the Chancellor’s residence at UC Riverside as a joint effort between Cal Poly Pomona, and UC Riverside
- 10 American Cities Lead the Way With Urban Agriculture Ordinances
- http://seedstock.com/2014/05/27/10-american-cities-lead-the-way-with-urban-agriculture-ordinances/
- The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact consists of a series of tangible commitments for sustainable urban food policies. 113 Signatory Mayors from cities in the Global North and South pledge to develop actions and strategies to improve their urban food system. This book collects 49 good practices from signatory cities that already demonstrate actions, policies and results in various fields such as food waste reduction and reuse, urban and peri-urban agriculture, improved governance and sustainable diets. The book is edited by a broad team of editors that made up the Technical Team supporting the development of the Pact, including staff of the RUAF Foundation.
- http://www.ruaf.org/news/good-urban-food-policy-practices-cities-book?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=facebook
- How food connects all the SDGs
- http://www.stockholmresilience.org/research/research-news/2016-06-14-how-food-connects-all-the-sdgs.html
- Johan Rockström and Pavan Sukhdev present new way of viewing the Sustainable Development Goals and how they are all linked to food
- Landscape Research, Volume 41, Issue 7, October 2016 Special Issue: Food and Landscape
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/452642168200352/permalink/853644144766817/
- A New Resource on the Global Food System
- https://www.oximity.com/article/A-New-Resource-on-the-Global-Food-Syst-1
- Sustainable Nutrition Manual: Food, Water, Agriculture & Environment.
- http://www.neverendingfood.org/sustainable-nutrition-manual/
- 20 Essential Books for Food-Minded Urbanists
- http://www.nycfoodpolicy.org/20-essential-books-food-minded-urbanists/
- 其他:https://issuu.com/vladdumitrescu9/docs/uareport_seconddraft
- case collections: Urban Agriculture 都市農業-國際經驗蒐集 https://g0v.hackpad.com/EgXumvuNy7Y
Guide & Best Practice|食物規劃方法與案例分析
- 網頁引導
- 透過網頁引導使用者梳理希望投入的食物規劃尺度與目標
- https://www.sustainweb.org/planning/
- For planners 特別針對都市規劃者的頁面
- https://www.sustainweb.org/planning/for_planners/
- The Planner’s Guide to the Urban Food System
- Arly Cassidy and Bowen Patterson University of Southern California School of Policy, Planning, and Development Center for Sustainable Cities January 2008
- 手冊下載:http://www.ca-ilg.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/plannersguidetothefoodsystem.pdf
- 內容架構:
- Food affects the economic, environmental, and social
- Why Have Urban Planners Ignored Food?
- A Vision for the Urban Food System
- The Urban Food System 架構圖
- What Can Planners Do? 依照各個階段來說明,並舉實際案例
- Production
- Distribution
- Acquisition (獲得、取得、加工..)
- Consumption
- Waste
- Resource
- Food Systems Planning
- http://www.foodsystemsplanning.com/about
- Hear Lynn talk about food systems at Tuesdays at APA (the American Planning Association) November, 2008
- Policy Guide on Community and Regional Food Planning, APA
- https://www.planning.org/policy/guides/adopted/food.htm
- Planning resilient urban food systems, RUAF Foundation
- http://www.ruaf.org/planning-resilient-urban-food-systems
- SUPURBFOOD: towards sustainable modes of urban food provisioning
- http://www.ruaf.org/projects/supurbfood-towards-sustainable-modes-urban-food-provisioning
- GROW the City: Urban agriculture for a sustainable regional food provisioning, The Netherlands
- http://www.ruaf.org/projects/grow-city-urban-agriculture-sustainable-regional-food-provisioning-netherlands
- Cultivating Camden: The City’s Food Economy Strategy
- http://www.dvrpc.org/asp/pubs/publicationabstract.asp?pub_id=15058
- Good planning for good food - using planning policy for local and sustainable food
- https://www.sustainweb.org/publications/good_planning_for_good_food/
- Feeding the City: The Challenge of Urban Food Planning
- http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13563471003642852
- Planning sustainable cities for community food growing
- https://www.sustainweb.org/publications/planning_sustainable_cities/
- Indicators for Urban and Regional Planning: The Interplay of Policy and Methods
- http://ceci-br.org/novo/revista/docs2008/CT-2008-115.pdf
- Model for Urban’s Food Security 都會糧食圈模組 by 陳建泰
- https://communitybarn.wordpress.com/about/
- https://zh.scribd.com/doc/294067498/%E9%87%8D%E5%BB%BA%E5%9F%8E%E9%84%89%E5%9C%9F%E5%A3%A4-Bilingual-%E5%B9%B4%E7%B5%82%E5%A0%B1%E5%91%8A%E7%B0%A1%E5%A0%B1
- 分區:都市平原地區,城鄉交界農場,自然部落區域...
- 社群或社區協力型農業、生態農業、適當技術...
有趣的食物企劃行動|Food Action
- Foodscape
- Foodscape Mapping http://www.ediblegeography.com/foodscape-mapping/
- https://foodscapesbristol.wordpress.com/about/
- Foodprint Project is an exploration of the ways food and cities give shape to one another. Founded by Nicola Twilley and Sarah Rich, the project is punctuated by a series of events in physical space. http://www.foodprintproject.com/
- Old Food: TourExploring Historic Food Trails, Tastes and Traditions http://farmingthecity.net/?page_id=4396
- Using the Arts for Food Research and Dialogue – New briefing paper
- https://foodgeographies.wordpress.com/2017/03/21/using-the-arts-for-food-research-and-dialogue-new-briefing-paper/
國際機構 / 研討會|Institution&Conference
- 7th INTERNATIONAL AESOP SUSTAINABLE FOOD PLANNING CONFERENCE : Localizing urban food strategies Farming cities and performing rurality
- http://www.aesoptorino2015.it/
- Urban & Environmental Policy & Planning / Nutrition Science and Policy,
- http://www.nutrition.tufts.edu/academics/urban-environmental-planning
- 聯合國 FAO
- ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/012/ak824e/ak824e00.pdf
- 瞭解城市及城鄉連結之必要:聯合國千禧目標及世界食物峰會 "Neither the Millennium Development Goals nor the World Food Summit’s goals will be achieved if appropriate attention is not given to cities and rural-urban linkages."
- World Food Programme
- http://www1.wfp.org/
- https://su.org/gic/2017/wfp/
- Institute for the Future: Food Futures Lab
- http://www.iftf.org/foodfutures/
- IPES-Food: a new expert panel guided by new ways of thinking about research, sustainability, and food systems
- http://www.ipes-food.org/
- The North American Food Systems Network (NAFSN)
- http://www.agdevonline.com/
- IUFN International Urban Food Network
- https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=932700220144892&id=202170803197841&substory_index=0
- Growing Food Connections
- http://growingfoodconnections.org/
- A People’s Food policy
- https://www.wwoof.org.uk/latest-news/peoples-food-policy-launched
- The American Planning Association Food Systems Planning Interest Group (FIG)
- https://apafig.wordpress.com/
- ASFP (Amsterdam Sustainable Food Planning)
- http://www.ams-institute.org/events/event/asfp-meeting-amss-student-network-for-sustainable-food-planning/
- FoodGeographies - A Working Group of the RGS-IBG
- https://foodgeographies.wordpress.com/
- Urban Food Policy
- http://www.urbanfoodpolicy.com/
- Carrot City Designing for Urban Agriculture
- http://www.ryerson.ca/carrotcity/
- Berkeley Food Institution
- http://food.berkeley.edu/
- The Royal Town Planning Institute
- http://www.rtpi.org.uk/events/events-calendar/2015/april/food-and-planning/
- Institute for the Future|Food Futures Lab
- http://www.iftf.org/foodfutures/
- https://youtu.be/5_fP-7tfSK4
- 地區食農議題深化機構
- https://goo.gl/photos/K9J4paskqtNiB9p17
- 多元角色的同步改變,而非單一主題。
- 按照邏輯,一座城市的「膳食計畫」可以引導「都市農業」的內容?
- http://eec.usc.edu.tw/class.php?p=ce&s=4264
- 課程教學目標
- 認識現階段飲食營養缺失及健康飲食新概念。
- 學習熱量需求的估算,以三大營養素來計算食物的份量,並設計菜單
- 學習餐點成本的估算及營養成份計算
- 學習不同餐點的菜單設計、成本估算及製備
- 持續進行基礎資料與調查工作
- 區域內的人口與健康營養特性
- 釐清食物經濟的社會多元效應
- 氣候與地理條件、農法使用
- 區域規劃、都市計畫、土地使用、生產用地
- 貿易與自給的食物供給方案
- 食品安全與追塑系統
- 食物取得的公平性
- 行政工具、自治法、行動綱領、預算轉型、局處組織等調整
- 食物銀行、剩食回收運用、廚餘解決方案
- 按照邏輯,一座城市的「膳食計畫」可以引導「都市農業」的內容?民政、社會社福、衛生、國民營養
- 認識現階段飲食營養缺失及健康飲食新概念。
- 學習熱量需求的估算,以三大營養素來計算食物的份量,並設計菜單
- 學習餐點成本的估算及營養成份計算
- 學習不同餐點的菜單設計、成本估算及製備
- 不確定因素考量下之都市鄰里公園區位選擇研究__臺灣博碩士論文 ...
- 如何界定「規劃範圍」、參與縣市要如何囊括?
- 食物種類的多樣化,其產地到消費形態十分多元
- 例如「玉米」(國際貿易...)
- 「豆芽菜」(台北南萬華為北區主要生產地...)
- 都市農業的發展政策及「農地」與「農民」的政策界定
- 台中市市長 林佳龍 新五農(年編10億)
- 是否應該以「流域/集水區」來作為基本探討單元
- 以台北市來說,北投士林區,基於火山地形與地區溪流切割;而文山區則有其他的地形與水資源來源
- 高屏地區、濁水溪地區...等
- 亞太糧損資料庫APIP-PHLOWS數據
- http://vision.udn.com/vision/story/10130/1861969-%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E9%A3%9F%E7%89%A9%E6%90%8D%E8%80%97%E5%9A%B4%E9%87%8D%20%20%E6%AF%8F%E5%A4%A9%E5%BB%9A%E9%A4%98%E5%8F%AF%E5%A0%8660%E5%BA%A7101
- 「如何界定食物規劃的規劃範圍與邊界?以及背後的理由與觀點」
- 「畫出食物生產至消費的魚骨鏈」
- 例如 產地---食材---加工---食品---採購---餐飲---...
- 「每一種食物都是一樣的魚骨圖嗎?」
- 「彙整農業生產數據與資料」
- 例如 農糧署、衛福部、關稅署
- 可以參考 國家發展委員會共同參與籌辦的 DataJam
- 「試著回答關於費城食物規劃系統的相關疑問」
- 「條列出空間部門可以做的事情」
- 公共機構開設開放廚房
- 正在推動中的社會住宅政策可以作為願景雛形
- ...其他
- 10 分鐘,介紹第一次討論會過程與小結,活動運作方式,並完成分組
- 90 (40+10+40) 分鐘,分組探討,探討成果透過海報、電子文件...來呈現,中間可以快速分享進度
- 50 分鐘,五個小組分別報告今日成果
- 30 分鐘,接下來可以如何推展
- 關鍵詞
- Food Shed / Geographic boundaries of where local food comes from, like a watershed
- Food Miles / ex Most food travels an average of ___ miles to reach our plate
- Local Food
- 可能要先確立「食物規劃」所期待的願景、關心什麼課題。
- 例如:「食物規劃」要讓國民實質營養可以到達更好的水準。
- 例如:「食物規劃」要協助台灣農業經濟成長。
- 例如:「食物規劃」放在低碳政策中。
- ...
- 「食物規劃」是一種?
- Comprehensive Food Planning & Policy
- Policy 政策
- 法令
- 土地使用機制
- 市場行為轉型?
- 「食物規劃」由誰發起與進行?如何進行?
- Planners 空間規劃部門人員
- 食物議題政策相關人員
- 納入各個利害關係角色
- 如何進行?
- 幾個重要的「規劃構成要素」:
- 人口分布狀況
- 區域/都市計畫的人口設定,與實際的非在籍人口狀況
- 內政部統計年報:http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/year/list.htm
- 各個都市計劃區的面積及人口資料
- 非在籍、與流動人口現況,怎麼處理?
- 探討的面向包含:年齡、身體狀況、家庭組成...
- 若從「國民營養」的角度,來設定食物的需求量與品項
- 考量公務權責機關
- 必然是跨行政區域的,但如何細究議題合作的方式?
- 若依照法律所明定的業務主管機關的角度(例如災防法架構)
- 避免造成「糧荒」的業務主管機關為何?
- 國民營養法?
- 食育基本法?
- 宜蘭縣飲食權自治條例?
- 相應可投入的公務資源、預算、年限可以被界定出來
- 食物生產與流通的地理現況
- 例如可以在地生產的品項、非自產食物品項...,相關運輸狀況
- 產地生產→食材→食品→餐飲→廚餘
- 運輸設施、倉儲設施、必要的程序、設施機構 (ex 果菜批發市場)、業務主管機關或民間團體 (ex 防檢局、產銷班)...
- 試著以「某項食材」的實情資料,來畫出「食物旅程地圖」
- 用這個魚骨鍊基礎,來說明新興的產銷模式
- 是否已有農業釋出/開放資料的「資料集清單」?
- 會需要什麼資料集?
- 相關疑問請參考白板照片
- Q:為什麼要執行這個計畫與研究案?
- Q:政府治理模式下如何分工,聯邦政府、跨州議題、州政府...等?
- Q:所探討的農業形態,是「企業農場」或是「小農/家庭農業」?
- Q:是否有處理「農業生產自主權」這個概念?
- Q:是否有處理「社區園圃與都市農耕」?
- Q:如何處理「吃」的環節?
- 局處單位
- 新建「社會住宅」社區時,可以進一步構想「食物」的要素
- 食物生產 Production:都市農耕空間
- 運輸 Distribution:
- Acquisition:
- Consumption:食物銀行、公共廚房與小型加工環境
- Waste:廚餘堆肥設施
- 公共空間設計,應盡可能設置「廚房」與開伙設備
- 進行 Food System Study,以費城所研究架構為例:
- 小組討論:海報紙、麥克筆、小組白板
- 印 Eating Here: The Greater Philadelphia Food System Plan
- 印 Greater Philadelphia Food Systems Study
- 印 Greater Philadelphia Food Systems Study - Appendices
- 印 The Planner’s Guide to the Urban Food System
20151028 討論都市農耕與食物系統之間當前推動方向